Sunday 28 February 2010

IANYAN: "Overheard on the Net: Flashy Cars, Music and Homosexuality"

Looking forward to a four part series re gay Armenians to appear on IANYAN very soon. In the meantime, here is the latest reflection by one of my favourite Diasporan publications. IANYAN reflects few comments which appeared recently on the web here and there. I remember this comment by someone on Twitter:

"I just saw a gay Armenian guy! Never seen that in my life!"

Can't agree more with what IANYAN has to say re above: "It perfectly illustrates all the hurdles Armenian culture still has to overcome to acknowledge, accept and respect homosexuality. It’s also appropriately timed with a four part series that will be appearing on this site very soon. There are gay Armenians every where, all you need to do is open your eyes and mind."

Saturday 27 February 2010

Parajanovian London: Yuri Mechitov photo exhibit at the National Theatre (+ Mat Collishaw at BFI)

Highly recommend this exhibit at the National Theatre in London of rare or unseen photos by Yuri Mechitov, who was a close friend of Parajanov. Photos were taken by Mechitov during their 11-year friendship.

When I entered the foyer where the exhibit was located, this intimate photo of Mechitov and Parajanov (1st photo, below) grabbed my attention, and I started taking pictures. Then someone from behind said: "Why not taking pictures with the photographer himself?" I turned around and saw Yuri Mechitov. It was such a pleasant surprise and was great meeting him in person, so I took his photo (as per below). He was holding his recently published book: "Sergey Parajanov. Chronicle of the Dialogue."

*Parajanov with Yuri Mgoyan

*Parajanov with Tarkovsky


Also worth checking an installation (multimedia) by contemporary British artist Mat Collishaw, inspired by Parajanov, at the British Film Institute (BFI), which is literally next door to the National Theatre on the South Bank.

Old Compton Street, Soho, London

Thursday 25 February 2010

When nationalism/racism + homophobia: 'Georgia has no other enemies but Armenians and faggots'

Unfortunately, Gay Caucasus blog (RU) is no longer open. It's been closed down by the author for personal reasons. Today I am re-posting here Alexander's post of few months ago (5 October 2009) where he talks about nationalism / racism / chauvinism and homophobia, rightly stating that they frequently accompany each other. He refers to the homophobic article in a Georgian language weekly 'Georgia and world' where the author's main message was that Georgia has no other enemies but Armenians and "faggots". I am re-posting this particular post today (with only few [...]), taking into account similar 'sentiments' by increasingly vocal Armenian neo-conservative, ultra-nationalist, neo-nazi groups. This is their ugly face.

Очередная шовиниско-гомофобная истерия в грузинской прессе


Почему не люблю шовинистов? Ответ прост, потому, что шовинисты из-за своего узкого мировоззренческого кругозора являются потенциальными гомофобами и очевидцем таковых, по воле судьбы, становился я не раз. На этот раз хочу затронуть очередную истеричную статью в еженедельном издании на грузинском языке «Грузия и мир». Пару слов об издании – не знаю, кто такие газеты печатает и тем более кто их покупает, но вполне очевидно, что газета истерично ругает власти Грузии и все то, что может называться европейским стремлением государства.

Если не ошибаюсь, выходки, аналогичные той, о которой я хочу рассказать, в этой якобы насыщенной политического смысла газетенке и ранее печатались неоднократно. Что делать, конкуренция – а тема о «педерастах», тем более когда ругаешь их и указываешь им путь только в адское пепелище, хорошо продается (наверно...). На этот раз автор статьи некий Арно Хыдырбегишвили (буквы и соответствующего звука «Ы» в грузинском нет, но фамилию этого г-на я нарочно написал так, чтобы подчеркнуть эго «истинно грузинское» происхождение), который, очевидно, гордится своим «истинным грузинским» именем и фамилией, пытается научить и «донести» до грузин, что у Грузии кроме армян и «пидоров» никаких других врагов на белом свете нет. Позвольте, во первых, по той простой причине, что сам я чистокровный грузин, внести сомнения в «истичнно» грузинском происхождении г-на «Арно» по фамилии Хыдырбегишвили, так как ни его имя и ни фамилия ни с чем грузинским у меня не ассоциируется, кроме окончания его фамилии. Соответственно, Господину Арни (есть что-то бав-арийское в этом имени) следует попрочнее закрыть свой грязный рот и не поливать грязью тех людей, мизинца которых даже он не стоит. Попрошу меня не обвинять в шовинизме и повнимательнее читайте то, о чем я пишу. Шовинисты это мой враги, и тем более некоему безродному якобы «грузину» не позволю говорить от имени грузинского народа. Видали таких и до чего страну довели, весь мир давно уже знает...

Детально обсуждать его маразматическую статью не собираюсь, но факт есть факт, г-н Арно ругаем правительство Грузии, ругаем правительство Армении и всю армянскую нацию, пытается разжечь вражду между грузинами и армянами (а за это существует конкретная уголовная ответственность – к вниманию МВД Грузии), и вместе со всем этим он нападает в той же статье и на людей с отличающейся сексуальной ориентацией, покрывая их, чем попало. [...]

Что касается недалеких выходок в отношении геев в с точки зрения вашего «основательного» исследования по поводу необходимости восстановления сталинских законов об уголовной ответственности в отношении «педерастов», извините, но это «исследование» никак в серьез не могу воспринять. Гомосексуальность в Грузии уже более 10 лет декриминализована и из-за вашего робкого бреда по этому поводу эти законы лишь в ваших же снах могут лишь восстановить. По этому поводу мне нечего беспокоится, но чисто по-человечески советую вам, прекратить писать такие глупости, иначе рано или поздно придется вам за это отвечать и довольно строго!

Со своей стороны призываю МВД Грузии, министра юстиции, главного прокурора, чтобы хотя бы раз приняли меры и устроили публичный судебный процесс хотя бы над этим пресловутым Арно Хыдырбегишвили (думаю все-таки что это псевдоним, но правоохранителям не должно составить труда найти газетенку и ее авторов), и передать этого человека уголовному правосудию в первую очередь за разжигание вражды между (грузинским и армянским) народами. А раз уж в Грузии не существует законодательства против гомофобии и за призывы к насилию в отношении людей на этой почве, то на этот раз думаю вполне будет достаточно осудить Хыдырбегишвили за разжигание вражды между народами и отправить его в кутузку. Глядя на это, другие обнаглевшие и недалекие люди может приложат усилия и осознают, что нельзя разжигать вражду между народами, и недопустима дискриминация других людей на почве сексуальной ориентации. А наших господ членов Парламента Грузии я бы призвал, что кажется настало время, чтобы внести в законодательство соответствующие поправки, которые предусматривали бы наказание за гомофобные выходки, прежде чем конкретные люди начнут совершать конкретные преступления (а кто сказал, что нет таких преступлений...), откликаясь на призывы таких недальновидных людей, как г-н Хыдырбегишвили. [...]

5 October 2009

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Parajanov at London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival

Must see!

Sergei Paradjanov: The Rebel + Ashik Kerib
A special screening to celebrate the distinctive voice of rebellious auteur Sergei Paradjanov.

This fascinating documentary is not a straightforward portrait of Paradjanov's life, but rather a fluid celebration of his talent and creativity. Focusing on the collages he produced during his years in prison, and featuring interviews with the director himself, Cazals' film demonstrates the scope of Paradjanov's artistic vision, lovingly commemorating this rebel of art cinema.

Director: Patrick Cazals
Country: France
Running time: 52min
Year: 2003

-Screening with-

Ashik Kerib
Paradjanov's final film is the story of a handsome lute player forbidden from marrying his true love, and sent away for 1001 nights to earn enough riches to satisfy her father. Inspired by Azerbaijan Folklore and packed with lush imagery, Ashik Kerib is a fitting swansong from a master. As with most of Paradjanov's films, there is no obvious homosexual content, although many critics have read Ashik's nomadic trek as a metaphor for the director's own banishment at the hands of the government, adding a fascinating personal layer to the film. MB

Director: Sergei Paradjanov, Dodo Abashidze
Cast: Yuri Mgoyan, Sofiko Chiaureli, Veronica Metonidze
Country: USSR
Running time: 76min
Year: 1988

Wed 24 March | 18:10 | NFT3

In March, BFI Southbank celebrates the work of Sergei Paradjanov with a film season and symposium as well as a new commission for the BFI Gallery by acclaimed visual artist Mat Collishaw, whose new installation poetically conveys the spirit of Paradjanov's artistic endeavor. The exhibition continues until 9 May 2010. For further information please visit or

*source: 24th BFI London & Gay Film Festival 17-31 March 2010

**More about Parajanov festival in London - see my earlier post here

Film tribute to silent era Soviet cinema and Russian avant-garde at London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival

Must see!
Maggots and Men
A stylized tribute to the Russian avant-garde recounts the 1921 Kronstadt sailor uprising with a twist of gender anarchy.

An experimental narrative set in post-revolutionary Russia, Maggots and Men re-imagines the 1921 Kronstadt sailor uprising with a twist of gender anarchy. Narrated by fictional sailor Stepan Petrichenko, this stylish Super8 and 16mm film dramatizes the events of the 1921 rebellion and pays tribute to the sailors' earnest pursuit of communist ideals. Cronenwett, however, links this uprising to a more contemporary revolution by fantasizing the historical - and homoerotic - relations of the all-male crew with a cast of transgender and genderqueer actors. A beautifully stylized tribute to silent era Soviet cinema and the Russian avant-garde, Maggots and Men also maintains its defiant DIY spirit, delivering one of the most original films in years. A call to arms for radical queers everywhere! KS

Director: Cary Cronenwett
Cast: Stormy Henry Knight, Travis Clough, Scout Festa
Country: USA
Running time: 54min
Year: 2009
Wed 24 March | 21:10 | NFT1
Fri 26 March | 21:00 | STUDIO

*source: 24th BFI London & Gay Film Festival 17-31 March 2010

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Anti-discrimination posters in Yerevan metro

Relevant reading: British Council in Armenia launches anti-discrimination campaign

*picture - via PINK Armenia Facebook page

Urgent call for Europe to tackle homophobia & transphobia (special edition of ILGA-Europe magazine)

You may download this publication by Europe's main gay rights group ILGA-Europe here.

Turkey: stop violence against transgender people

Multiple Murders Highlight Inadequate State Protection
February 22, 2010

Protecting people and preventing violence means more than investigating after the fact. Without meaningful government action to affirm their rights and ensure their safety, transgender people in Turkey will continue to live in fear.
Juliana Cano Nieto, researcher in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights program at Human Rights Watch

(Ankara) - The recent murders of two transgender women in Turkey highlight  an ongoing pattern of violence and the urgent need for stronger protection measures by the government, four Turkish and international human rights organizations said today in a letter to Turkish authorities.

More... (via Human Rights Watch)

Monday 22 February 2010

Condom dispenser, downtown Yerevan

Condom dispenser on Tumanyan St., downtown Yerevan (next to the two side-by-side Beijing restaurants). We need more of this.

*pictures - by Adrineh Macaan. You may find her personal blog here.

Sunday 21 February 2010

Kardashian sisters: "Love is Love" - support marriage equality, say No to H8

Kardashian sisters continue their support for No H8 campaign, in support of gay rights and marriage equality. "Love is Love" - they say. Simple, and right to the point. Well done, girls!!

My previous relevant posts - here and here.

Below X-posting via Advocate.

Kardashian Sisters: "Love is Love"

By Editors

The Kardashians (Kim, Khloe and Kourtney) lent their faces to the N0H8 Campaign last year, and now, an outtake from their photoshoot has made the cut on their reality show, Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

“Love is such a positive thing and I don’t understand why people want to put limitations on it and define what their ideal scenario for love should be,” Khloe said before the shoot. “I just don’t think that’s appropriate.”

“This is 2010 almost… it just shocks me that it’s still such an issue,” Kourtney, who was pregnant for the shoot, added.

Watch the video outtake here.

Thursday 18 February 2010

Playing low: Radio Van in Yerevan promotes hatred and homophobia

Head of radio station Shushanik “absolutely agree” with the views of a neo-nazi

...Starting with the title of Wednesday’s announcement - a radio programme to discuss “the problem of homosexuality in Armenia”. Then a ‘breaking discovery’ by the representative of Radio Van that gay Armenians successfully use social networking or online dating websites... How come... But the ‘icing on the cake’ was the fact they dubbed a disgraced politician-turned-ecologist-turned-pastor-turned-bigot no one- Khachik Stamboltsyan an “expert” and “publicist” (публицист) (see examples of some of his past ‘expert opinions’ (1; 2; 3), or today’s marazmovedenie). They wanted to make a PR headline for their radio station using gay Armenian guy as a toy. They wanted a circus, and they made a circus of themselves.

That for Radio Van homosexuality is a “problem”, became evident after the relatively recent cultural shock Shushanik, head of the radio station, experienced in Spain.

Apparently, ladies and gentlemen, the head of Radio Van - Shushanik - was a closeted homophobe who comes out with blogging. She could not stand that her beloved Spain has transformed into a society of free minded people with laws that give gay men and women equal rights similar to heterosexuals, including that of marriage.

Back home in Yerevan, she started seeing gays everywhere - in cafes, streets, airports... Oh, but she forgot to look at her immediate surrounding. She could have been ‘pleasantly’ surprised.

Shushanik got so carried away by hate that she “absolutely agree” - in determination to exterminate gays - with an Armenian neo-nazi who uses swastika as his livejournal userpic. This is perhaps one of the most disgraceful exchange of comments I have ever seen in Armenian media. On one side is a neo-nazi, on the other side - head of radio station saying ‘’I absolutely agree with you” to a... neo-nazi.

Below is an extract via comments section to one of Shushanik’s homophobic blog posts.
Արորդի 16:19 on Сентябрь 18, 2009
Գոմիկների «իրավունքները», «կարմիր խնձորի» թաղումը և սեռական սանձարձակության տարածման միջոցով ընտանիքի ինստիտուտի քայքայումը, «ընտանիքի պլանավորիչները»` այդ ամենը գործիք է, որ կրճատեն Արիական քաղաքակրթության կրողների քանակը և իվերջո, արիացի ազգերի «քոքը կտրեն»: Դա ագրեսիայի շատ վտանգավոր տեսակ է, դա սողացող ցեղասպանության ձև է: Ուստի` քանի դեռ կա առողջ մեծամասնություն, այն ԻՐԱՎՈՒՆՔ ունի և ՊԱՐՏԱՎՈՐ է ցանկացած միջոցներով հակահարված տալ այդ վիժվածքների: Դա կլինի ընդամենը ԱՌՈՂՋ ԻՆՔՆԱՊԱՇՏՊԱՆՈՒԹՅՈՒՆ

shushanik 03:58 on Сентябрь 19, 2009
я абсолютно согласна с вами. Если делать демократичное лицо и делать вид,что то, что происходить ,нас не касается ,то это зло,да и не тольео это,очень быстро проникнет во все сферы жизни, как сейчас и происходит. У меня такое ощущение,что выполнятся очень важный стратегический план против человечества, и он похуже всех панэпидемий. Человечество планировано уничтожается ,разными методами- насаждение наркотивок,насилия, обесценивание всего того,что накопило человечество,однополые браки. Если равнодушно смотреть на все это, катастрофа приблизится неминуемо. Мы же боремся против наркотиков и пьянства, мы же посемествно говорим о вреде курения,огромными буквами выписывая предупреждения на сигарентых пачках? А однополые браки опасны не для физического здоровья,а морального и духовного. Однозначно считаю,что либеральничать нельзя. » Стерилизовать и в резервацию!» Мы уже опоздали, посмотрите,что уже делается в нашем городе?! Вы видели официантов в кафе? Они же в большинстве уже голубые,как они ходят, как разговаривают, как кокетничают при виде мужчины. Фу,гадость! Если ничего не делать,это значит обречь следующее поколение наших внуков на явную однополую любовь. Народ,опомнитесь, какая демократия?Давайте тогда будем защищать права наркоманов, права пьяниц, быть терпименее к юным токсикаманам, до чего мы тогда докатимся????
Head of Radio Van Shushanik and some of her employees promote views that deny people’s dignity and endanger their lives... Radio Van is so OUT of my playlist.

‘EURO’ Radio Van supported by British Embassy in Armenia

Apparently, this radio station got sponsored by British Embassy in Armenia for a radio project aimed at... promoting European integration (!!). I assume that British Embassy, like many others, was unaware of endemic hatred and homophobia in this radio station. Well, now they know... Promoting hate should NOT be profitable in Armenia.

Armenia: Homophobia Hall of Shame

Starting today, there will be a new page on my blog - Armenia: Homophobia Hall of Shame. Any organisation or individual in Armenia and Diaspora that promotes homophobia will be eligible for the entry. Whenever appropriate or available, link will be placed next to the name with the example(s) of hatred.

First entrants to the Hall are Iravunk newspaper and Radio Van. More entries to follow, including based on my past postings. Not a company one should be proud of. Of course, it’s very possible that Ms. Shushanik will consider this nomination an honour. If that’s the case - congrats.

No, putting individuals or organisations to the Hall of Shame does not bring me pleasure. I wish the Hall is empty or does not exit at all. It won’t be your usual blacklist. That’s not the main purpose. The purpose is to show that hate is wrong. Hate is not cool. Hate should NOT be profitable. And there are always ways out. You just have to want to get out and make efforts to change yourself for better, to free yourself of hate.

If you think of collaborating with or sponsoring an individual or organisation in Armenia and /or Diaspora, use this list as an exclusion criteria.

Wednesday 17 February 2010

Jirair Ratevosian: “Changing Policy, Opening Hearts” - from Uganda to Armenia

I recommend reading this opinion piece in The Armenian Weekly by Jirair Ratevosian.

Jirair Ratevosian is the deputy director of policy at amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research. He is based in Washington D.C.

Below are selected extracts. For the article in full - see The Armenian Weekly.

Ratevosian: Changing Policy, Opening Hearts: An Anti Gay Policy in Africa Has Global Implications

In Uganda, if a mother suspects her child of being gay or lesbian and does not inform authorities, she could be jailed. This is one of many unconscionable repercussions if a proposed bill becomes law in Uganda. Not only does the bill deny the very basic rights that so many of us take for granted, the sentiments it fuels in Uganda and around the world poison the character of our humanity. [...]

Armenia, which decriminalized gay sex in 2003, is one of 67 signatories on an important UN declaration condemning harassment and prejudice based on sexual orientation.

Despite these laudable policy changes, there is not enough attention paid to the development of greater tolerance in Armenian society. Prevailing discrimination and harassment dehumanizes LGBT members of our community, and puts gay men and other men who have sex with men at higher risk of HIV infection than the general population.

HIV transmission among men who have sex with men is rising, accounting for nearly two percent of HIV infections, according to the National Centre for AIDS Prevention in Armenia. However, health experts and activists believe the official figures hugely underestimate the numbers of people living with HIV/AIDS and newly acquiring HIV infection in the region. Homophobia and discrimination—which invade the healthcare setting—are in large part to blame for driving gay men and other men who have sex with men underground and away from lifesaving HIV services and official statistics.

While there are many challenges to understanding and responding to these “hidden epidemics,” the time has come for all of us to be part of the solution. National governments, the private sector, churches, non-governmental organizations, and the media each have a role to play in strengthening capacity and willingness for a broader and more effective response to HIV/AIDS. For each of us, this means displaying greater acceptance and willingness to discuss these issues openly and free from judgment and hatred.

Injustice in our community taints the moral character of our resilient people, who in history have been targets of hatred and brutality, simply for existing. [...]

While time opens hearts and brings greater tolerance, each of us must be a force for unity in our common desire to live a free and dignified life. Our history would expect no less.

Friday 12 February 2010

Armenia chooses: Emmy & Mihran vs Eva Rivas for Eurovision 2010

UPDATE 14 Feb 2010
Eva Rivas will represent Armenia at Eurovision 2010 with Apricot Stone. (see also comments section below)
This Sunday 14 February, Armenia will make its choice as to who will represent the country in Eurovision 2010. You may listen to the songs of all 9 contenders here. It’s now clear that the choice is between Emmy & Mihran vs Eva Rivas.

Interestingly, if until last couple of weeks, no one had doubts that Emmy & Mihran will win our national selection, current ‘word of mouth’ favourite is Eva Rivas.

Overall, I am not impressed with this year’s choices on offer. I simply cannot see a winner song - a Eurovision winner song - among candidates. Whoever wins this coming Sunday, may struggle reaching the top ten at Eurovision, unless put on a great show...

I was really looking forward to Emmy/Mihran’s song. There was anticipation and good buzz surrounding it. However, I am not impressed, perhaps partly because I am not really into that kind of music. But regardless my musical genre preferences, it sounds similar to many other Eurovision tunes. It does not stand out. On the other hand, it’s a song you can dance in clubs; there are some catchy tunes there. And yes, both Emmy and Mihran are cuties ;) Emmy’s resemblance to Sirusho, and Mihran’s dancing experience with Madonna may certainly help for publicity purposes. Videos of support by famous personalities, like Ricky Martin and Ken Davitian are smart moves too.

Eva Rivas’s song is classier. I first heard of Eva when she performed Sayat Nova’s Tamam Ashkar which I think was a brilliant modern interpretation of the classic. The current choice of Apricot Stone is OKish but... I do not think it uses Eva’s voice to its full ability. Also, I do not think the frequent use of “motherland” word is necessarily a cool or appealing concept for Eurovision fans. She looks stunning though, as always. Appearance-wise, she somehow reminds me of Angelina Jolie.

I won’t be reviewing other choices on offer as I do not see them suitable for Eurovision or suitable at all. I must, however, say that Razmik Amyan’s song is the worst one. I mean, it’s really bad. Could not force myself to hear it till the end. Sorry, Razmik.

As it’s always happening around time of Eurovision related events, number of visits to my (directly or indirectly) Eurovision related posts surges substantially.

“Eva Rivas” is currently No. 1 keyword people search over the Internet to visit my blog. It pushed “gay armenia” keyword to the 2nd place. WOW (!). And it’s all because of one post I made back in November of Sayat Nova’s Tamam Ashkhar new video clip by Eva Rivas. Out of interest, I did search “Eva Rivas” on Google, and that particular blog post of mine came out on the first page of Google’s search results for “Eva Rivas”. Not bad :)

*pictures - via Facebook fan pages

Friday 5 February 2010

British Council in Armenia launches anti-discrimination campaign

A welcome initiative by the British Council in Armenia. Good to know that it's being conducted in partnership with the Ministry of Labour and Social Issues, and that it's inclusive of sexual orientation. As far as I understand, the work is in progress now, and hopefully we will witness these leaflets/posters in Yerevan and Armenian regions in the very near future.

I would be interested to learn of people's reaction, and would be especially interested to know what sort of educational initiatives, if any, would accompany these visual displays. Posters are important, but what we urgently need is EDUCATION.

The British Council in Armenia in partnership with the Ministry of Labour and Social Issues launched an awareness-raising city campaign "A world without discrimination" on 10 December, the International Human Rights day and in the framework of the one-month disability campaign announced by the Government.

The campaign features posters and flyers devoted to the British Council's main six areas of equality and diversity – Age, Gender, Disability, Religion, Race and Sexual Orientation. You can download the leaflet in English (MS Word, 2.19MB) or Armenian (MS Word, 2.01MB).

The aim of the campaign is to promote equality in these six areas through positive images of diversity and flyers containing a number of general etiquette and communication tips that will help people to avoid discriminatory language and manners in regard to the representatives of different communities to create a fair and inclusive society that values diversity and respects human rights and individual differences.

During 2010 the campaign will reach higher educational institutions, transport and other public areas in the capital and marzes of Armenia.

Thursday 4 February 2010

Tautology: ignorant doctor, demagog priest... booooring

You are so repetitive and predictable. Your type. You try 'crashing' any free-minded person, and then self-satisfy yourself with the illusive 'victory'. You are so out of touch with the realties, common sense and current state of knowledge.

Your speeches and 'arguments', and expression of your face, make me instantly bored ('homosexuality is a disease'; 'sex is an animal act'; 'hormon contained foods consumed by women make their children gay' (copyright for this 'masterpiece' belongs to a doctor (?!) - or shall we say 'doctor' - Georgi Kimich) etc etc). Even writing this and referring to you makes me bored.

Below I am re-posting just few quotes (in Armenian) from today's online edition of Armenian weekly Ankakh about Kentron TV's so called 'debate' on love and sex. They are spot on. The article will appear in this week's print edition too.

"Անհանդուրժող հասարակության համար այն ինչ մերժելի է, անընդունելի `դրա դեմ պայքարելու համար այն պետք է որպես հիվանդություն ներկայացնել, որ ուրիշները վախենան դրանով «հիվանդանալ»: Սովետի ժամանակ շատ այլախոհներ հոգեկան հիվանդ էին ախտորոշվում ու փակվում հոգեբուժարաններում: Տրամաբանությունը նույնն է. եթե մարդ սովետի դեմ է գնացել` ուրեմն հիվանդ է:"

"Իրականում նրանք արևմուտքի դեմ չեն, քանի որ հենց իրենց կրոնն էլ արևմտյան է, այլ այն արևտմյանին, որը խփում է իրենց իշխանությանը: Եթե իրոք հայ քահանաները դեմ են արևտմյանին, ապա այդպես մոլեռանդ քննադատելով արևմտյան գաղափարները, ակամա քննադատում են իրենք իրենց, քանի որ քրիստոնեությունը 1500 տարի առաջ հենց արևմուտքից է եկել Հայաստան:"

"Եզրակացություն. Արևմուտքից գալիս է քրիստոնեությունը ու հայերին դարձնում հոմոֆոբ, արևմուտքից գալիս է նացիոնալիզմը ու հայերին դարձնում նացիոնալիստ-հոմոֆոբ: հիմա էլ արևմուտքից գալիս է լիբերալ-դեմոկրատիան ու արևմուտքի, բայց արդեն հնացած գաղափարներով նացիոնալիստ ու քրիստոնյա դառածները հարձակվում են արևմուտքի վրա, թե քայքայում է ազգը այլասերություն տարածելով: Արևմուտքի հնացած գաղափարները ներկայացնելով բուն ազգային, պայքարում են ժամանակակից արևմտյան գաղափարների դեմ: Եթե ազգը քայքայվում է արևմտյան գաղափարներից, ապա արդեն մի քանի անգամ քայքայված պրծած կլիներ քրիստոնեությամբ ու նացիոնալիզմով:

Մնում է ազգայիններին ու հոգևորականներին իրենց ընտրած ազգային դիրքերից պատասխանել «երբ հայերը միասեռական էին արևմուտքում չգիտեին թե սեքսն ինչ բան ա»: Այսինքն դուրս ա գալիս հակառակը` ով հոմոֆոբ ա` հակահայ ա, ապազգային, որ մերժում ա մեր ազգային արմատները:"

Read Ankakh's article in full here.

Azeri MPs boycotted Council of Europe (PACE) gay rights debate

Surprise-surprise. You know... same old bullshit (see below re-post from a local news agency in Baku).

As I mentioned in my earlier post, there was a fierce opposition to this debate from certain religious and political circles in Georgia too. It's not clear what was the position of Armenian MPs re PACE debate and proposed resolution. As we know, Armenia and Georgia endorsed historic UN gay rights statement. So far, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Armenia was consistent by endorsing various EU statements in support of gay rights. However, no practical steps were implemented for legal protection of human rights and equality of LGBT citizens in Armenia.

Back to the debates in Council of Europe, voting was delayed till PACE next session in April. Will keep an eye on developments.

Azerbaijani MPs not to attend European debates on same-sex marriage
Fri 22 January 2010 | 13:15 GMT 

Sabir Hajiyev

Azerbaijani MPs and religious leaders have spoken out against a debate on sexual orientation to be held at the Council of Europe next week.

Two members of the Azerbaijani delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Gultekin Hajibeyli and Sabir Hajiyev, said they would not take part in the debates.

"I am not going to take part in these discussions and I think it wrong to raise this issue in PACE," Hajiyev said.

The PACE debate, provisionally scheduled for 27 January, will discuss discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender self-identification and will propose the legalization of same-sex marriages in Council of Europe member-states.

"I have a very negative view of the debate. Yes, we have declared integration with European structures as our priority, but we must also protect our national and cultural values. This is unacceptable for us and we do not intend to copy everything that is adopted in Europe," Hadi Rajabli, chairman of the parliamentary committee on social policy, said.

"We have our own mentality and we must preserve our cultural values", he added.

The Caucasus Muslims Department expressed its opposition to the debates. They urged MPs to speak against the proposal not only during this session of PACE but in future too: "This is a great sin and Islam condemns such sinful acts."

The head of the Mountain Jews community of Azerbaijan, Semen Ikhiilov, also urged deputies not to take part in these discussions.

"Whoever raises these issues is insane. These people have no shame. Such actions are condemned by all world religions. Therefore, I am very negative about it," Ikhiilov said.

The Ukrainian council of churches and religious organizations have also protested at the planned PACE debate on the legalization of same-sex marriages.


US embassy to Azerbaijan employee praises Clinton's gay rights record

To mark her first year in the office, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hold a meeting with the employees of the Department.

Below is an extract from the transcript, via US Department of State website (via Petrelis Files):

MS. GREENBERG: Our next sounding board entry comes from Selim Ariturk, an economic officer in Azerbaijan. He says, “Madame Secretary, gay and lesbian staff worldwide have been so heartened by the wonderful changes you have made since you took office. I can’t tell you how much it means to me when I look at my HR records and finally see the word ‘family member.’ More than any of the financial benefits, those two words say so much about the kind of atmosphere you have set. Thank you so much for all you have done. Many of us still face problems coming home to the U.S. with our partners, and I wonder if you could help us by talking to Congress about the challenges we face. Thank you for your consideration and thank you again for all you’ve done.”

SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, and thanks to everyone who has supported and embraced this policy change. I’ve met with people across the world at every – just about every post I’ve visited, which are a lot by now. And we will continue to follow up on issues that arise, but we’re very proud that the State Department led the way on this.

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Picture of the Day: John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Andy Warhol

Via Kornelij Glas, Crack Two posted a collection of 125 rare pictures of famous people, some of them are pretty awesome and hilarious. The picture below is of John Lennon, Yoko Ono, and Andy Warhol. Enjoy ;)