Monday, 31 August 2009
Armenian phallic cult
"[...] The Armenian gousan as the mimes of Greece not only had repertory of farces but also the butaphoric phallus, a common attribute of all mimes. The phallus was an indispensable part of the costume of the gousan, a traditional adjunct of the clothing of mimes. This symbol was deeply rooted in the local phallic cults and its presence as such in Armenia is underscored by many recent findings, such as stone representations of the phallus excavated at the monastery Sourp Minas in the village of Noratous, on the southern shore of Lake Sevan, the portza-kar in Zangezour, bronze statuettes found also in Zangezour, among the ruins of the citadel near the village Ardzevank, on the southern shore of Lake Sevan near Nor-Bayazet, among the ruins of a citadel in the village of Sarekamish in the province of Kars, and in the region of Lake Van. Some of the figurines represent dancers who, although clothed have their phallus bare, which is typical of the stage costume of the mimes. Vestiges of the symbolic use of the phallus in the scenic arts also appears in Armenian miniatures of the medieval period. In one such painting, A.D. 1401, found on the margin of a Bible, an actor in his role to the accompaniment of an orchestra, is represented in the same way. An interesting parallel is the naked figure of St. John on the walls of the cathedral of Akhthamar, built A.D. 915-921; and of Adam in a Bible, in Echmiadzin, illustrated by Markar and Markos. All these sensory representations were possible because it was customary for the gousan to appear in that fashion. [...]"
**Many thanks to George for the links.
Sunday, 30 August 2009
Artashes Martirosyan: "Dialogue"

Saturday, 29 August 2009
I thought they are very current and telling.
Some people are just like that. They have autoassassinatophilia. (work by Sterling Ruby. (2008) Kiss Trap Kismet.)
Here is Kirsten Stoltmann’s Spray Boosh (2007).

And finally, this modern Korean art piece.
Thursday, 27 August 2009
UN Human Rights Committee calls Azerbaijan to combat harassment of LGBT by state employees
I posted about this earlier. Now ILGA-Europe provides details on developments. Not that I think this will have any practical impact on Azeri government, but good to know that LGBT discrimination in Azerbaijan was discussed and noted in the UN.
August 09 EUROLETTER - ILGA-Europe
UN Human Rights Committee makes recommendation to Government of Azerbaijan to combat harassment of LGBT by state employees
by Beth Fernandez, ILGA-Europe’s Programmes Officer
From 20 to 21 July the UN Human Rights Committee considered the third periodic state report of Azerbaijan on meeting its obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).
ILGA-Europe together with Global Rights ( and Azeri LGBT organization, Gender and Development ( submitted a shadow report in respect of LGBT which can be found at
Once a State has signed the ICCPR, governments are required to provide a report on actions that it has taken, or plans to take, to implement and safeguard the rights contained in the treaty. The practice of shadow reporting provides an alternative source of information concerning state compliance. At the beginning of August the Human Rights Committee released its recommendations after consideration of the State report, shadow reports and other sources of information. With regard to Article 26 (Non Discrimination) the Human Rights Committee expressed its concern ‘at reports that individuals have been harassed by police and prison officials because of their sexual orientation’. It made the recommendation that ‘The State party should take measures in this respect by providing training activities to its law enforcement and penitentiary authorities and by elaborating a relevant Code of Conduct’.
This recommendation is an important recognition of the need for governmental action to tackle a serious human rights violation which Gender and Development have been documenting over the three years of their existence. It therefore constitutes an important advocacy tool which can be used by Gender and Development in persuading the Azeri Government of the need for tolerance programmes in state structures.
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Football, football...
*I specifically devote this post to Armenian football fans. I know you will love this ;)
Sunday, 23 August 2009
Terrorist-like threat to Armenian government: silence the writer

They provide Armenian government with the ultimatum type message: either you silence Dori An, using “legal means”, or we will do it by our means and methods. ‘Message’ is accompanied by Al-Qaeda terrorist-like picture, or its poor copycat.
[...] Այս ամենը մենք համարում ենք դրսի թելադրված եվ ուղղորդված ծրագիր, որի նպատակն է քայքայել ցեղի բարոյական արժեքները: Այս ամենը մենք համարում ենք պատերազմ հայ ազգի դեմ: Իսկ պատերազմը հայ ազգի դեմ մենք ազգայնականներս համարում ենք պատերազմ հենց մեր դեմ: Եթե ՀՀ իշխանությունները եվ ուժային կառույցները քնած են, կամ զբաղված ինչ, որ հարցերով մենք մեր պայքարի տարբերակն ունենք, ուղղակի եվս մեկ անգամ հորդորում ենք աչք չփակել, այս ամենի դեմ: Արաջարկում եմ նրա արարքները բնութագրել, որպես քրեորեն դատապարտելի արարք, համապատասխան իրավական ակտերով ամրագրված մեր իրավունքերի, այսինքն Հայ Ազգի իրավունքերի պաշպանություն դատական ընթացակարգերով: Այս ամենից հետո Դորիանը իր բաժին սխրագործությունների պատասխանը կստանա աշխատանքային գաղութներում: Իսկ երկորդ տարբերակով մենք ազգայնականերս մեր միջոցներով եվ մեթոդներով սրա նմանին կպատժենք: Մենք կրելով առողջ ազգային մտածելակերպ նախընտրում ենք նախ, իրավական ճանապարհը, որի չկատարվելու դեպքում կսկսվի մեր մեթոդներրը:Failing to produce any ‘results’ by ‘fighting external enemies’, and failing on all fronts, these ultra-nationalists try to create ‘internal enemies’ to justify their very own existence.
This is a direct threat to person’s life and the right for free speech, the very basic human rights protected under Armenian constitution. After all, this is effectively a terrorist-like ultimatum to Armenian government, and law enforcement agencies in Armenia should take up the case for further proceedings.
*photo of Russia's neo-nazi, via San Francisco Sentinel
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Hate: Armenian tabloid Iravunk advocates killing of gays
I have to confess, I do not read Iravunk tabloid. If it’s not for my friends, I would have been unaware of this whole bunch of ‘articles’ over the last week or so devoted to gays there.
Internet is becoming more and more popular among Armenians, especially younger generation, and Iravunk cannot stand losing the Internet ‘battle’ to others, including gay Armenians, who dare to open up their websites and freely discuss the issues and their life. But they are not alone. Iravunk’s heart is bleeding that there are others out there who support gay rights and equality, or anything related to gays. Even the most widely accessible media in Armenia - television, occasionally shows gay-themed films. Horror. One of Iravunk’s so called journalists is shocked by a gay themed film shown on TV recently, calling it a “propaganda of homosexuality”. He then finishes his piece telling a ‘real story’ from Holland.
Բայց վերադառնանք սեռական փոքրամասնությունների թեմային: Վերջերս օրը ցերեկով մի հեռուստաընկերության եթերում գեղարվեստական կինոնկար էր ցուցադրվում, որի հերոսները գովերգում էին իրենց ոչ ավանդական կողմնորոշումը... Որքան էլ այդ անբարոյականության վերաբերյալ հումորը տեղին չէ, բայց այսպես շարունակվելու դեպքում երեւի խնդրելու ենք, որ էրոտիկ, թեկուզ հենց, այսպես ասենք, ավանդական սեքսի վերաբերյալ կինոնկարներ ցուցադրեն, միայն թե վերջ տան այդ այլանդակությունների քարոզին: Այս ամենը ինձ հիշեցրեց մի իրական պատմություն, որը տեղի է ունեցել ոչ ավանդական կողմնորոշման նկատմամբ արդեն վաղուց սովորական վերաբերմունք ձեւավորված երկրում: Իհարկե կռահեցիք, որ նկատի ունենք Հոլանդիան: Տարիներ առաջ հոլանդական քաղաքներից մեկի քաղաքապետի թեկնածուն հեռուստաէկրանից բացահայտ հայտարարել էր, որ ինքը ՙերկնագույն՚ է եւ պաշտպանելու է նրանց շահերը: Երբ ՙերկնագույն՚ թեկնածուն դուրս էր եկել ստուդիայից, նրան տեղում գնդակահարել էին: Մարդասպանը, որը հանձնվել էր ոստիկաններին, նշել էր, որ ինքը չի ցանկանում ՙերկնագույն՚ քաղաքապետ ունենալ, ով նաեւ քարոզում է իր զզվելի կողմնորոշումը: Չենք ուզում, որ մեր ասածը որպես սպանության կոչ ընդունվի, այլ պարզապես ներկայացրեցինք դեպքը:[Translation of the main part: Years ago, a mayoral candidate of a city in Holland has openly said via TV that he is “blue” [gay] and will be defending their [gay] rights. When he walked out of the studio, he got shot dead. The killer said that he did not like the prospect of having a gay mayor, who publicize his disgusting orientation.]
Iravunk’s journalist then notes that “we do not want you to take this story as a call for killing. We simply wanted to present this story”. Obviously, what they effectively did is to advocate killing of gays.
Of course, Armenian Ombudsman will repeat that there is no problem of homophobia in Armenia as no one filed a complaint about it to his office. He may not even see or ‘be aware’ of the growing number of recent attacks towards gays in Yerevan. How convenient.
In another piece, editor Galadjyan is outraged, digusted and simply cannot understand why journalist and writer Vahan Ishkhanyan has so inclined to “defend rights of sects and faggots”: “he is perhaps the only one who openly defends the rights of such a human garbage as ‘blues’ [gays] in Armenia”. But what is killing Mr Galadjyan is that Vahan established Ankakh weekly which quickly became a popular newspaper both online and in print. And the last drop to Iravunk’s nerves was a literary prize awarded to a gay-themed short story for the first time in Armenia by the same Ankakh weekly. The author of the novel is our very own Armenian Dori An (I will write a separate post on Dori An and his award-winning short story). Iravunk’s editor is apparently so threatened by a mere existence of a free-minded writer and his growing online presence and influence that he attempted at (unsuccessfully) cracking down the identity of a person writing under the Dori An nickname. Sad. Little, sad people. He accuses Dori An not only in “disgusting” activities and the use of ‘inappropriate language’, but “anti-national” too (familiar language, eh?). There is “enough evidence” for criminal persecution of Dori An, claims tabloid’s chief. Huh? Yes, there is definitely enough evidence for opening the case against Galadjyan and his tabloid for inciting murder and hatred.
As a rule, one hate goes hand in hand with another hate. If you look at Iravunk’s articles, they are not just homophobic, but racist, full of hate to everyone who is different. If you are not gay, you would have still be hated by Galadjyan-like people. For ‘different’ ethnicity, colour of your eyes (skin), music you listen to, films you watch, T-shirt you wear. Anything, really, which is outside of their sad, little and narrow-minded world.
In yet another piece, Galadjyan calls Armenian MP from parliamentary opposition Heritage party Zaruhi Postanjyan a “traitor” (for this). He cannot stand ‘European aspirations’ of growing number of Armenians, which he associates with gay rights and equality. Scary. According to the ‘rules’ of the ‘family’, Galadjyan writes referring to Europe, “homosexuals are also people” (!), then calling gays a “human garbage”. Чья бы мычала?
Այդ ՙընտանիքի՚ ՙկանոններով՚ հոմոսեքսուալիստներն էլ են մարդ, ավելին` այդ ՙկանոնները՚ նախատեսում են մարդկային այդ թափոնը գլխին դրած ման ածել: Հետաքրքիր է, համաձա±յն է պարոն Ժիրայր Սէֆիլյանը ՙերկնագույնների՚ թանին թթու չասելուն, միայն թե ՙաշխարհը՚ մեր երեսին չշպրտի` հոմոֆոբներ......and here is something from Dori An in response: Լռությունը ոսկի ՉԷ
Իրոք որ երբեմն լռությունը ոսկի է...
Եթե դու սիրում ես, երբ դիմացինիդ անտեղի անարգում են, երբ մարդու մասին դատում են միայն նրանով, թե ում հետ է նա քնում, երբ ցուցաբերվում է խտրականություն ցանկացած փոքրամասնույթունների հանդեպ ու քարկոծվում են նրանց պաշտպանողները՝ ապա ՄԻ անցիր այս հղմամբ ու մի ճանաչիր մարդուն, ով անում է դա...
Իսկ եթե դու Լույսի Ասպետ ես, օգնիր... ՄԻ ԼՌԻՐ... ԼՌՈՒԹՅՈՒՆԸ ՈՍԿԻ ՉԷ... Ասա քո խոսքը..
Apart from anything else, there is also big envy at play from Iravunk editor Galadjyan’s side. He knows very well that Dori An, Vahan Ishkhanyan or gay Armenian bloggers have more readers (with growing online presence) than his own 20 years old business enterprise which has left with the one main aim for now - to spread hate.
You and your tabloid suck, Mr. Galadjyan. Big time.
Monday, 17 August 2009
LGBT Georgia: new issue of Me magazine - homophobia in Georgia, interview with Alekper Aliyev, the author of Artush and Zaur
[...] I don’t know to what extent I have been able to outrage every average person in the South Caucasus, but this book certainly did anger the “patriots” who make parasitic use of nationalist passions, the popular mentality, and the notions of pride, honour, dignity and the exceptionalism of the Caucasian men. It is a challenge to society, as well as an effort to shock. I cannot separate these two concepts from one another. I won’t hide the fact that this was precisely the reaction I needed. More precisely, this was the reaction I was expecting.
[...] I did not have any real prototypes. My characters only vaguely resemble certain people.
[...] Frankly speaking, I am not concerned about what they accuse me of. You were right to put the word “accused” in quotation marks. Indeed, how can a person be accused of, say, drinking tea, enjoying riding a bicycle, masturbating or eating a pear? Who is accusing whom of what?
In our society people don’t have their own opinions. Our society consists entirely of vegetables - biological entities without minds, hearts, thoughts or feelings. Who are they to even have an opinion, let alone judge someone? Have they ever actually used their right to protest against corruption, lawlessness and the detention of political prisoners? No. What right do they have to give themselves the right to use their right to express an opinion about my book? That was a bit redundant, but I think you’ll agree it was wholly justified in this case.
And here is a message via Georgia's LGBT NGO Inclusive Foundation:
Good news: Our magazine has been included in Copenhagen Catalogue of Good Practices among 20 LGBT good practices from around the world and being the ONLY LGBT media entry!
Another good news: New 11th issue is out! It tells the reader how and why homosexuality was pathologized and criminalized; what impact does internalized homophobia have; gives reports from Riga, Moscow, Chisinau prides; and from very interesting training session in Istanbul; In interview section we speak with Alekper Aliyev - author of Azeri-Armenian gay love story entitled "Artush and Zaur"; Art section examines Mark Ravenhil's drama and "For women only" story gives account of men free adventure of Georgian girl in Germany. Last not least, our reader gets bonus sensitizer through Martin Rochlin's heterosexuality questionnaire. Don't miss the issue.
Publisher recommendation: Read it in the morning with naturally flavored coffee down the street.
Direct link: Me magazine
Turkey: LGBT rights report, novel about transsexual, gay referee scandal, homophobic media, and gay pride in Istanbul

1. Report: Human rights violations against LGBT people in Turkey 2008
2. Report warns: continuing homophobia in the media
In a published report entitled "End Homophobia in the Media", the Kaos GL association criticised the continued use of stereotypes and display of homophobia.3. Istanbul: 3,000 People in LGBTT Pride March
The 17th LGBTT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transvestite and transsexual) Pride Week ended with a Pride March in Taksim, central Istanbul, on Sunday (28 June).Read also Elizabeth's personal reflections: Istanbul Pride (+ photo, above)
4. Gay referee scandal:

The Independent: Gay referee gets red card in Turkey
(+ photo, via AFP/Getty Images)
After coming out on TV, Halil Dincdag sues football federation over sacking.EurasiaNet: Football referee, barred for being homosexual, fights for rights
5. Novel about Transsexual Banned for Under-18s
A Prime Ministerial board has banned advertisement for the novel "Third Class Woman" by Anıl Alacaoğlu.
Friday, 7 August 2009
"Brokeback Ararat"

From my friend's Facebook status update: This camping trip is called "Brokeback Ararat"
H., this is killing me. I told you I will steal this idea. And I did it. Copyright is yours ;)
*photo -
Armenian 'Independent' (Ankakh) re-published its editor's IWPR article on gay Armenians

The article on Ankakh (in Armenian - Թաքուն կյանք. հայ միասեռականները երկար ճանապարհ պետք է անցնեն դեպի ազատություն) is accompanied by these photos (above) by Karen Mirzoyan.
Thursday, 6 August 2009
Memorial service at Liberal Judaism centre in London to remember victims of anti-gay massacre in Tel Aviv
Never been at a Jewish memorial or religious related gathering before. The atmosphere was pretty relaxing there, although I’ve been told that this is because of Liberal Judaism which is different from (ultra)orthodox one. Amazingly for me, the rabbi was a young man in suit (see picture below, the one in suit and striped tie). What is also remarkable that liberal Jews are very open and accepting towards sexual minorities. There were special prayers there: “Prayer for the Acceptance of Sexual Diversity” and “A Straight’s Prayer for Young Israelis Shot for Being Gay”.
The ceremony included prayers, speeches by representatives of gay rights (esp. youth related) groups, songs by a guitar accompaniment. Btw, the girl who was playing the guitar was pretty cool. As I’ve been told (thanks to tablaqueen) she is the first drag king in Tel Aviv. I would never have guessed.
The booklet with the detailed programme of the memorial service contained the following closing quotes:
“We need to give strength to the child who comes to his parents and says: ‘I am gay,’ or I am lesbian;’ and this day needs to give the strength to everyone in the gay community to live their lives.” Tzipi Livni
”If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door.” Harvey Milk, murdered American gay rights activist
Ricky Martin and his twin son

Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Xenophobe, sexist and homophobe likely candidate to head Georgia Public TV
Dear all,
Many of you are aware that the director of Georgian public broadcasting has resigned. His former deputy and general producer G. Chanturia is now discussed as the possible candidate while all other candidates are not favored by government.
I urge all of to share this note with your friends and raise awareness so that Board has problems appointing him as director of GPB. This man is xenophobe, sexist and homophobe. Today we cannot afford this kind of person paid by our money slamming our face with his miserable prejudice!
This is the letter that EU presidency, Swedish Ambassador kindly wrote to the Board.
Letter of Swedish Ambassador to Georgian Public Broadcasting on the occasion of homophobic hate speech
To: Mr. Levan Gakheladze, Head of the Board of trustees of the GPB
Dear Sir,
Unfortunately, a climate of homophobia prevails in Georgia, reflecting attitudes that are not compatible with European norms on human rights. An example of this unhealthy social environment was the discussion published in the January 2009 issue of the magazine Tskheli Shokoladi, discussion during which a representative of the Georgian Public Broadcaster was reported as treating homosexuals in a disrespectful way, calling them “crippled people” and “pederasts”. The Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association as well as the Ombudsman have criticized this violation of the code of conduct of the Georgian public broadcaster.
In a related matter, in 2007 the GPB had agreed to show a documentary on LGBT rights violations in Europe entitled “Rainbow’s End”. However, for some unknown reason, the documentary was eventually not broadcast.
It remains unclear what the position of the Board over these cases is.
The Swedish EU presidency supports the negotiations within the EU on a new directive implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation. According to this new directive, discrimination because of sexual orientation shall be prohibited.
Also, the Swedish presidency will organize an Equality Summnit in November which will constitute an opportunity to reaffirm political commitment for this new anti-discrimination directive, give visibility to discrimination based on gender identity and highlight LGBT rights violations.
Taking into consideration Georgia’s European aspirations and its increasing engagement in the European Neighbourhood Policy and the Eastern Partnership, I remind you that Georgia will be expected to transpose the EU acquis into national legislation, including comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation, and to respect and uphold LGBT people’s rights.
The Swedish embassy would recommend that the Georgian Public Broadcasting undertake activities designed to educate the general public on sexual orientation and gender identity and to counter homophobia and negative stereotypes.
Best regards,
Hans Gunnar Aden
CC: M Levan Kubaneishvili, Director General of the GPB
M Paata Sabelashvili, President of Inclusive Foundation
Armenia: perceived to be gay
"In my opinion a story like that might have happened, because the Indian guys' dress code is not accepted by local Armenian guys. Indians wear earrings, have different hair styles and goatees which Armenian guys call gay and it irritates the Indians.
BUT..not only Indians are subject to this provocation, the same problem occurs even for local Armenian guys who dress differently and are considered to be gay."
Sexuality: Education is key even for many "well-educated" Armenians
"For John, being gay in Armenia meant that he would never be able to admit, even his closest friends, the real reason why he did not have a girlfriend and that there was next to no chance he would be able to have any kind of relationship for two years. He described to me one time when the subject of homosexuality came up in a conversation with one his close, well-educated, female, Armenian friends. In this conversation she said she could not understand why a cure had not been found for this disease or why there was not more treatment available for these poor, troubled people. Using most of his considerable self-control, John attempted to explain that it was not in fact a disease or problem but rather a different preference that people are born with. The friend would have none of it and insisted that she had seen studies proving otherwise. I suppose I should not have been too surprised; a lot of American’s views are not very different."
Monday, 3 August 2009
PINK Armenia: Challenging the notion of masculinity (exhibit)

You may make your submissions (photo, film, painting, sculpture) until 18 September 2009. For details - see the poster, above.
Public TV of Armenia about transsexuals, gender reassignment surgery (video)
Head of Armenia mobile operator VivaCell Ralph Yirikian moves to support HIV education/awareness programmes, calls for tolerance
“Because we care!”
Whenever I go back home Yerevan, I always hear stories about Ralph Yirikian, General Manager of mobile operator company VivaCell, one of the most prominent businessman (and philanthropist) in Armenia. Astonishingly, all stories I hear about him are positive. One would expect to hear lots of ‘dirt’ about the businessman of such a caliber in Armenia. One would be wrong. Yirikian, perhaps, one of those exceptional business personalities in Armenia who managed not only to succeed in his business but earn respect of the population. Well deserved, I must add, as proved by his very latest actions and statements too.
On 31 July 2009, VivaCell mobile phone operator and Armenian Red Cross Society (ARCS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the long term cooperation to raise population’s awareness on prevention of HIV/AIDS - “Because we care!”. “The activities will be multi-staged and will involve a wide range of educational events: spread of information materials, public events, etc.” (full press release - AM, EN, RU)
“Today VivaCell-MTS and Armenian Red Cross Society have come together to join their efforts to address the needs of the most vulnerable population and to provide them with reachable and effective support. Join us, don’t stay indifferent to the pain of others”, says head of the ARCS.
“We owe our society the right to know! With knowledge and awareness we can better prevent and fight any disease. Awareness and prevention are each and every one’s responsibility. On the other hand, we have to be tolerant to HIV-positive people. We are here today, because we care, what about you?” asked VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.
( «Մենք մեր հասարակությանը առավել տեղեկացված լինելու հնարավորություն ենք ընձեռում: Գիտելիքն ու իրազեկության բարձր մակարդակը թույլ կտան ավելի արդյունավետ աշխատանքներ տանել հիվանության կանխարգելման ուղղությամբ: Տեղեկացված լինելն ու կանխարգելումը յուրաքանչյուրի պատասխանատվությունն է: Մյուս կողմից` անհրաժեշտ է հանդուրժողականություն ՄԻԱՎ վարակակիրների հանդեպ: Մենք այսօր հավաքվել ենք այստեղ, քանի որ հոգ ենք տանում, իսկ դու’քե, - իր խոսքում նշեց ՎիվաՍել-ՄՏՍ-ի Գլխավոր տնօրեն Ռալֆ Յիրիկյանը:Not only Yirikian moves to support HIV/AIDS related education and awareness programmes but also he calls for tolerance towards HIV-positive people which is essential for any such initiative to have a chance for success. This is important for developing a more tolerant towards vulnerable groups and minorities environment in Armenia too.
( Յիրիկյանը նշեց, որ պետք է գիտակից լինել, քանի որ «տասնյակ տարիներ հետո այն կարող է դառնալ ինչ-որ մի ուրիշ տեսակի ցեղասպանություն»: Նա նշեց, որ անհրաժեշտ է հանդուրժողականություն` ՄԻԱՎ-ով վարակակիրների հանդեպ, և պետք չէ ամաչել ու մեկուսացնել ՄԻԱՎ վարակակիրներին: Յիրիկյանը կոչ արեց բոլորին միշտ հետազոտվել և զգոն լինել:
«Պետք է փորձենք շփվել նրանց հետ, հասկանանք նրաց և քաջալերենք. մենք այս արշավն իրականացնում ենք, որովհետև հավատում ենք`բոլորը կմիանան և համախմբված ճիգեր կներդրվեն»,-ասաց Յիրիկյանը:
As they say, “VivaCell is more than operator”. I have to agree with this statement. They proved it in past, they proved it with this step again.
If only Armenia have more businessmen like Yirikian, we would have healthier (not only in medical terms) and more open society. I hope Yirikian’s attention to vulnerable groups and minorities will not stop here, evolving more groups, including LGBT Armenians. My respects for now, Ralph.
*In photo (via - Ralph Yirikian did a blood test for HIV before signing a Memorandum.
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Vakhtang Kikabidze "uncomfortable" when sees gays but calls homosexuality a "nature's order"

Below is a relevant extract from that interview (in Russian):
— Сегодня в политике, шоу-бизнесе и многих других сферах общественной деятельности довольно много людей с нетрадиционной сексуальной ориентацией, хотя они-то как раз считают, что это у нас ориентация нетрадиционная...
— Точно (смеется), они в этом уверены.
— Вы, я знаю, не жалуете голубых, гомосексуалистов, геев, или еще есть четвертое определение. Не буду выяснять, как их правильно называть, просто спрошу: чем же они вам не угодили?
— Объяснить это трудно, но мне, когда вижу их, как-то не по себе становится... Я понимаю: раз это существует, значит, так распорядилась природа, — и кстати, голубых очень много в серьезных сферах. Каждый, в конце концов, сам решает, как ему жить. Я, например, люблю жену, а он хочет быть геем — пожалуйста! Никто не имеет права вмешиваться в его личную жизнь, что-то навязывать, и хотя меня, если честно, коробит, когда эти ребята появляются рядом, не подаю вида, чтобы, не дай Бог, их не оскорбить.
— Просто на всякий случай без надобности не нагибаетесь?
— Да (улыбается), не нагибаюсь и около стенки стою. По-моему, в Сан-Франциско...
— ...в столице гомосексуалистов...
— ...я видел гей-парад — это было очень массовое зрелище.
— Вы и не думали, небось, что их так много...
— Не представлял, но пока что я в оппозиции. Если все же решу поменять ориентацию, тоже туда поеду, наверное, и встану с флагом...
*link to the interview and photo - via
US Armenian fashion photographer Vaunn Yevo in EL Style Yerevan

Vaunn Yevo was born in Yerevan, Armenia, but moved to LA aged 12, as his parents believed he would have no chances of establishing as artist in Armenia. He studied arts in Yerevan, then Russia, followed by Art Institute of LA. In 2002, Vaunn launched his first fashion magazine, CRU.
Մոսկվայի Արվեստների ակադեմիայում ուսանելուց հետո Վանը հաստատվում է Լոս Անջելեսում, 1994թ-ին ստեղծում է CRU գովազդային ընկերությունը` համագործակցելով Warner Bros., Sony, FOX ընկերությունների հետ, 2002թ-ին տպագրում է CRU fashion-ամսագիրը, որպես լուսանկարիչ` աշխատում Փերիս Հիլթոնի, Մենդի Մուրի, Թրեյսի Բինգհեմի հետ...He has photographed and worked with "many celebrities such as George Stults, Paris Hilton (photo of Vaunn with Paris - above, via, Madonna, Mandy Moore, Christian B, INNIS and many others to create strong images not only for his publication but also for other companies." Kamoblog posted selected photos of Vaunn Yevo's exclusive photo-shoot with Armenian models in LA.
Ես ծնվել եմ Երևանում, սակայն 12 տարեկան հասակում հեռացել եմ Հայաստանից` ընտանիքիս հետ հաստատվելով ԱՄՆ-ում: Ես 4 տարի սովորել եմ Զեյթունում գտնվող Արվեստի դպրոցում, հետո ուսումս շարունակել եմ Սանկտ Պետերբուրգում, սակայն եթե ինչ-որ բան գտել եմ, ապա` միայն Լոս Անջելեսում: Բացի այդ` ծնողներս համոզված էին, որ Հայաստանում ես չեմ կարողանա կայանալ որպես արվեստագետ: Ես ստեղծագործել սկսել եմ Արվեստների դպրոցում, ապա տեղափոխվել եմ գրաֆիկ դիզայնի աշխարհ` աշխատելով մի շարք fashion ամսագրերի համար, մինչև որ 2002-ին ստեղծեցի իմ ամսագիրը` CRU-ն, որի միջոցով էլ հնարավորություն ունեցա համատեղել այդ բոլոր մասնագիտությունները:
Սա առաջին full fashion ամսագիրն էր Լոս Անջելեսում, և ես հպարտ եմ, որ ստեղծել եմ այն:

Saturday, 1 August 2009
GVO: interview with Micael Bogar on using online media and tools in South Caucasus
With three frozen conflicts and many ethnic fault lines, peace and stability in the South Caucasus often seems unreachable. After living and working in the the region for many years, Micael Bogar is now Projects Manager at the American University's Center for Social Media and speaks to Global Voices Online about the potential for new media tools to circumvent divisions and bring estranged neighbors together.During the interview, as an example of using online media for alternative voices and minorities not reflected in mainstream press, they also refer to the emergence and influence of LGBT blogging in the region.
You may listen to the interview here.