Monday, 30 August 2010

Homophobe and into gay porn? Lucky you. You will be rewarded by British Council Armenia

After this: ‘Champion of equality’ British Council Armenia sponsors homophobic radio station in Yerevan

and this: Re: ‘Open Letter’ by Radio Van

...the ‘creative’ minds behind the radio station decided to unmask “these people” (that's how Radio Van refers to gays) to show how ‘disgusting’ they are by posting links to... X-rated posts from a blog that explicitly indicates upon access that it contains adult material.
И эти люди «запрещают нам ковыряться в носу» ["And these people "prohibit us from picking the nose"]
Obsessions with gay topics I may understand. But with the gay porn??? Oh my... Too absurd, even for Radio Van 'standards'.

But all the above did not stop the British Council Armenia to go ahead with their plans of partnership with the radio station. On Friday night they were out clubbing with the radio station to celebrate their ‘special bond’.

British Council Armenia aligns itself with homophobia

So, here we are. If you are homophobe, and especially if you are obsessed with the gay porn (yes, such combination is possible from a scientific point of view too, read this study), chances are you may be in luck and get a partnership deal by the British Council Armenia. That’s not all fun you may get. You may also celebrate your ‘special relationship’ by going out clubbing. British Council Armenia will make sure that you are fully rewarded.

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