Saturday, 14 August 2010

Coming out TV film/programme from France with Armenian subtitles: "Ներիր ինձ մայրիկ, ես միասեռական եմ"

I accidentally came across this video while browsing the net. I have no idea who did Armenian translation and which reality show, TV programme or film it is, but thought I would post it here. I am encouraged to see that people will take an initiative and transate such topics into Armenian. I want to see more of this. In fact, I want to see similar programmes on Armenian TV...

"Ռոման թաքնված միասեռական է,
նա որոշում է հայտնել իր գաղտնիքը իր հարազատներին"


Anonymous said...

Too bad not all parents are accepting as his. This was very interesting, and when his parents spoke, it brought tears of joy to my eyes.

Please do keep us posted if you come across about more of this.

Rhiannon said...

It's Ca se discute, it's a topical show that was on France 2. I don't know when this episode was on or anything like that though. Shame the sound quality isn't so great on this. But it's interesting to see that they decided to translate it into Armenian.

Rhiannon said...

Ok I found more of the programme in French for anyone else who speaks french and reads your blog ;) the host on the programme is REALLY ANNOYING - keeps trying to wind up the poor Mum by saying things like, 'tell us what sort of gay jokes you heard in the town after he came out, etc' and 'how do you feel when someone calls him a 'tapette' etc...:( shame he has to be such an idiot. BTW I don't know if it's clear in the Armenian translation but the father is actually the stepfather.

artmika said...

Many thanks, Rhiannon, for the info. I do not think the translation was done by France 2, although if it was the case I would be even more curious to find out the motives. I think it's more likely a personal initiative of someone from Armenia who now lives in France, as Eastern Armenian was used for subtitles. I was amazed when I found this video.

@scwolf-10k: yes, I got a bit emotional too...

artmika said...

No, at least for me, it was not clear that it was his step-father.

Shame for the host, though...

Anonymous said...!