During Pope Francis visit to the country, Armenian social networks were full of praise and admiration of Pope. Thousands and thousands took to the streets across the country to greet him. Most comments, whether by ordinary people or state officials, were of superlative nature and pretty much idolised the Pope and the fact of him visiting Armenia.
Towards the end of his visit, Pope was presented with the “gift of the Armenian people” on the occasion of his visit to Armenia.
This “Noah’s Ark” sculpture was created by renown metalware, homeware and fine jewellery designer, openly gay American-Armenian Michael Aram.
Michael Aram’s Twitter wall is pretty much incredible on this occasion, as his tweet greeting New York’s Gay Pride follows by picture of his “Noah’s Ark” sculpture for Pope Francis which was gifted to him by the Armenian people”.
Michael Aram’s husband Aret Tikiryan reflected this on his Instagram too.
Btw, his Instagram headline reads: “2 dads with 2 amazing kids”.
Here is their beautiful family picture.
No wonder, en route from Armenia, Pope Francis made this remarkable statement, that church ‘should apologise and ask forgiveness from gays for their past treatment’. Truly, a miraculous gift, one may speculate :))
And this picture with accompanied headline is pretty much incredible for all the right and wrong reasons. Here you see Armenian president & his wife, head of Armenian church, Pope Francis and the headline: Pope Francis: Catholic Church Should Seek Forgiveness from Gay People, Women
Michael Aram posted more details on background of this sculpture on his Facebook page.
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5 years ago
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