
Wednesday 24 February 2010

Parajanov at London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival

Must see!

Sergei Paradjanov: The Rebel + Ashik Kerib
A special screening to celebrate the distinctive voice of rebellious auteur Sergei Paradjanov.

This fascinating documentary is not a straightforward portrait of Paradjanov's life, but rather a fluid celebration of his talent and creativity. Focusing on the collages he produced during his years in prison, and featuring interviews with the director himself, Cazals' film demonstrates the scope of Paradjanov's artistic vision, lovingly commemorating this rebel of art cinema.

Director: Patrick Cazals
Country: France
Running time: 52min
Year: 2003

-Screening with-

Ashik Kerib
Paradjanov's final film is the story of a handsome lute player forbidden from marrying his true love, and sent away for 1001 nights to earn enough riches to satisfy her father. Inspired by Azerbaijan Folklore and packed with lush imagery, Ashik Kerib is a fitting swansong from a master. As with most of Paradjanov's films, there is no obvious homosexual content, although many critics have read Ashik's nomadic trek as a metaphor for the director's own banishment at the hands of the government, adding a fascinating personal layer to the film. MB

Director: Sergei Paradjanov, Dodo Abashidze
Cast: Yuri Mgoyan, Sofiko Chiaureli, Veronica Metonidze
Country: USSR
Running time: 76min
Year: 1988

Wed 24 March | 18:10 | NFT3

In March, BFI Southbank celebrates the work of Sergei Paradjanov with a film season and symposium as well as a new commission for the BFI Gallery by acclaimed visual artist Mat Collishaw, whose new installation poetically conveys the spirit of Paradjanov's artistic endeavor. The exhibition continues until 9 May 2010. For further information please visit or

*source: 24th BFI London & Gay Film Festival 17-31 March 2010

**More about Parajanov festival in London - see my earlier post here


  1. How did you add "recent comments" btw? :)

  2. Until the recent changes in Blogger, I was using a special code I found somewhere on the net, and it was working perfectly, like in wordpress, when as soon as someone leaves comment, it appears under the "recent comments". Then it stopped working properly, and I changed it to the gadget available within blogger.

    If you go to the layout section, then "add a gadget", you will see "recent comments" under the (currently) featured ones. It's not perfect, as does not appear immediately, sometimes with delays, but use it till find better alternatives.
