
Monday 1 December 2008

Sexual health in Armenia: newspaper supplement focuses on HIV/AIDS

Haven't read it yet, but sounds like an essential read and welcome initiative by IREX.

*via ArmeniaNow

In marking World Aids Day (December 1), the International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) has focused its monthly journal “This Month” on the issue of HIV in Armenia. Officially, the republic has 649 HIV cases registered, though the actual number is believed to be considerably more.

The 8-page supplement not only deals with the delicate issue from health/medical perspectives, but also takes a look at Armenicum, the controversial “cure” developed more than a decade ago by Armenian scientists.

Articles in the newspaper deal with how obstacles of traditionalism and the custom of taboos on speaking about sexual life can damage reproduction health.

The latest “This Month” also features a rare article about an Armenian woman living with HIV who frankly speaks about her life and feelings and discusses the social stigma of being HIV positive.

As with other editions, the periodical has been published in 29,000 copies in Armenian (plus 2,000 copies in English) and distributed republic-wide to newspapers that participate in the IREX (funded by the United States Agency for International Development) Core Media Support Program.

(Click here to read this month’s edition.)

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

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    Keep up the fantastic work!!!
