
Sunday 11 May 2008

It’s “coming of age” for Armenian blogging

Onnik Krikorian, Caucasus editor at Global Voices Online, posted analysis on evolution of Armenian blogging which reached the point of “coming of age” following the recent political stand-off and media blackout in Armenia. Highly recommend it!

Only few months ago, practically no one in Armenia was aware of blogs or blogging, including media representatives. Now blogs/blogging/bloggers became the It topic with various reports in Armenian online and printed media, as well as radio, dedicated to them.

Future media professionals in Yerevan also turn their attention to blogging by writing their final thesis on blogging phenomenon.

Full post is availabe here: Armenia: Blogging Comes of Age

My blogs Unzipped and Unzipped: Gay Armenia also mentioned there:

“One blogger from Armenia now living and working in the United Kingdom had already set a precedent for blogs covering issues that were not reported elsewhere with his Unzipped: Gay Armenia site. The blogger applied the same level of professionalism, albeit in support of the former president, on his other blog, Unzipped.”

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations. The article was spot on.
