
Monday 17 September 2012

Independent news back to mainstream TV in Armenia. BUT... along with homophobic editor

I am glad to see that independent A1+ TV’s flagship news programme is back on air (on its rival ArmNews!). Since its (decade-long) closure, I keep saying that until A1+ is back I won’t believe that things are changing in Armenia.

I know that homophobic editor of Aravot daily Aram Abrahamyan (Armenia Homophobia Hall of Shame) has been part of A1+ in past and present (online). Now, with the revival of news programme, it’s disappointing to see that the editor who advocates homophobia is part of the project too.

I wrote about A1+ in one of my very first posts after I launched Unzipped blog:
"(for years) They tried to ban A1+ TV, they sort of succeeded, but they was not able to ban A1+, for me - the symbol of free speech in Armenia. A1+ continued its live online. [...] If one day I switch on TV and see A1+ station live, I will understand that I probably live in different Armenia, in better Armenia, in Armenia which can be transformed to a country where I would prefer live in..."
Well, not quite a transformation yet. A small progress - probably.

As long as Aram Abrahamyan is part of the project, these changes will remain illusive for me.

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