
Thursday 24 November 2011

Greek Ukrainian Andreas sings: Make Love, à la Kazaky, and fights animal cruelty

According to the bio posted on his website and YouTube channel, Andreas was born and grew up in Greece. Contrary to his father desires (to see his son becoming a financier), he instead chose modelling and show business. He then left Greece and came to Ukraine, first as a tourist and then, in his own words, fell in love with the country and decided to stay there.
However, Ukraine is not terra incognita for Andreas. Born in Greek repatriated family, Andreas speaks Russian very well and with no accent, thanks to his living and studying in Moscow. Moreover, Andreas can be called an international project. He can sing very well in Russian, as well as in Greek, keeping the same temperament. [...] 
In his spare time, he is seriously interested in nature and animals protection.
‘It’s not enough just to feel sorry about cruel behavior and killing animals, - Andreas says, - we should do something! I’m going to organize some events for it. For example, I plan to make people stop wearing fur clothes. It’s time to pay high attention to the cruel behavior toward pet animals as well…Until we learn to treat animals well we won’t treat people well either…’
Sexy video à la Kazaky with important messages against animal cruelty and for love. Simple as this: Make Love.

The uncensored version can be accessed here with disturbing scenes of animal cruelty.

*Thanks to Nelly for the link.

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