
Thursday 31 March 2011

Government sponsored youth in Azerbaijan uses homophobia and anti-Armenian slurs to target opposition politician

Amnesty International reports on intensifying “wide-reaching and ruthless” crackdown by the Azeri authorities on opposition, freedom of speech and any sign of decent.

The latest incident took place today, when government sponsored youth & co targeted opposition politician amid further detentions of political activists.
The Azerbaijan authorities must end their clampdown on freedom of expression, Amnesty International said today after 11 more political activists were arrested ahead of Saturday's planned "Day of Wrath" protest. [...]

"The Azerbaijani government's pre-emptive crackdown on those seeking reform has been wide-reaching and ruthless," said John Dalhuisen, Deputy Director for Amnesty International’s Europe and Central Asia Programme.

Government supporters today held a rally outside the home of opposition leader Ali Karimli. The crowd chanted that he was a traitor and a homosexual, while police stood by and watched. [...]

"The increase in the number of incidents of harassment and violence against activists and journalists in Azerbaijan is deeply concerning. The trend appears to illustrate the determination of the authorities to stamp out any forms of dissent," said John Dalhuisen.
@leylanajafli provides with additional details: “These placards had slogans like “There’s no place in Azerbaijan for the Ali Karimli’s of this world, who sell our land to Armenians!”, “Shame on the traitor!”, “Ali Karimli, what money does your family live on in London?” and “Ali Karimli + radical islamists = chaos”. This comes after yesterday’s rumors spread by pro-Aliyev media outlets stating that Ali Karimli was to meet and “conspire” with a number of radical Islamist groups.

They also chanted slogans in support of the Aliyev regime: “Long live Ilham Aliyev!”, “Our only president, our only leader is Ilham Aliyev”, and other slogans in support of the ruling party. Videos show a student singing “Mavi” (“Blue”, meaning “gay” in Azeri slang) through a loudspeaker – part of a black PR campaign against Karimli that started years ago.”

Just had a glance at that video (below). Pretty disgusting crowd, I must say. Nauseous.

*thanks to @GoldenTent for the link


  1. Classic Fascism on view here, and it is very troubling to watch the video. Karl Rahder has also written a blogpost about the activist arrests as well as more details about the YAP-sponsored smear campaign against Kerimli here:

  2. It truly is, Ani. And thanks for the link.

    Here is more from the Amnesty International USA blog, linking to my post too:

    More Arrests in Azerbaijan
