
Sunday 13 March 2011

English “pop iconoclast” Patrick Wolf uses “amazing Armenian duduk” in new song Armistice and fights “homophobic a**holes out there”

Patrick Wolf performs a heartfelt rendition of his new song Armistice live in The Guardian studio.

Says Patrick Wolf: “The other instrument I added in London was a duduk [...] which is an amazing Armenian traditional woodwind instrument.”

Extract from the interview with The Observer (13 March 2011):
Three years ago, after relationships with both men and women, he met William Charles Pollock, who works at BBC 6 Music, by chance, at a Christmas party. It was "love at first sight". Wolf was at a low ebb, after touring relentlessly and experiencing bouts of depression that led him to contemplate quitting the music industry altogether. His songs at the time reflected his state of mind – melancholic and aggressive, with tortured, complex lyrics – and his performance persona became increasingly outrageous as he took to the stage dripping in feathers and spray-painted silver. 
But now that Wolf is engaged to be married, he seems to have rediscovered a sense of simple optimism. His next single, "The City", has already been hailed by the website Digital Spy as "four of the most joyous minutes you'll have this year with your clothes on".
this is the happiest new years day and day of my life. william charles pollock has asked for my hand in marriage. finally. finally. my man x (31 December 2010, Twitter @_PATRICK_WOLF)

Below is a video of 2009: Patrick Wolf and Alec Empire play "Battle" live in London! A song about fighting homophobic a**holes out there! (11 March 2011, Twitter @ALEC_EMPIRE)

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