
Monday 1 November 2010

ArmeniaNow about LGBT discrimination in Armenia, gay sex workers and pleshka

I have to say, gay-themed articles in Armenian online media became somehow repetitive and predictable. Even headings and accompanying pictures look the same.

The main interesting part from the ArmeniaNow report, which I have been hearing from other sources too, is the following (re gay sex workers):
Homosexuals, however, say that there is little progress. Under the pressure of NGOs, the Children’s Park has been lightened recently; some police officers are patrolling there every day, preventing attacks of different groups against homosexuals.

“Now when such group attacks are registered, the police interfere, defending us. Of course they [attackers] do not eventually face a punishment, but, at least, they understand that we are also people and we also have rights,” Petros says.

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