
Wednesday 15 September 2010

LGBT Armenians marked 'Happy Colours Festival' flashmob in Yerevan

The latest flashmob by Flashmob Division in Yerevan was billed a Happy Colours Festival. The aim was to express happiness with colours. “Let’s paint the day with positive emotions”. As per the video below, the event was very colourful, indeed.

Well done to few activists who added LGBT colours to the flashmob.

The event took place on Monday 13 September, Northern avenue, downtown Yerevan.


  1. This event was organized (i.e. initiated) by Expedition 206, a Coca Cola–sponsored round the world tour by 3 young bloggers who, in 365 days, are to visit 206 countries — i.e. those countries where Coca Cola is sold. They're supposed to find out "what makes people happy" or something like that. Frankly, the corporate advertising disguised as "good times" freaks me out.

  2. Interestingly, the organisers of flashmob did not say anything about that Expedition 206/Coca Cola sponsorship on event's FB page. It was presented as organised by Flashmob Division. Agree re disguised corporate sponsorship.
