
Wednesday 26 May 2010

Eurovision 2010 1st semi: In love with Belgium (+hotness index +"qyartu" in Eurovision)

I was live tweeting my immediate impressions along with watching the 1st semifinal of Eurovision 2010. Below I’ll try to sum up some of the main points.

Here we are. Never thought I would make this confession during Eurovision. Yes, yes, yes, I did fall in love with the Belgian singer Tom Dice. While he may not be your typical Eurovision entry, it was a class act all the way: song, performance, singer. He did not need complicated weird shows on stage or supporting dancers or back vocals. It was a one-man performance, and I loved it.

Back to the beginning of the evening, I quoted personal preferences of BBC Eurovision, received via their twitter:
Here are @bbceurovision preferences:"Personally speaking, I really like #Ireland, #Romania, #Iceland, #Finland & #Armenia! :)" #Eurovision
Then there was an immediate commentary by BBC re Russia performance: "3 minutes of misery - Lost and Forgotten" :)

Before Russia, Moldova did quite a bit of cheering up. I remember their performance with a smile on my face. It was light and entertaining.

Albania delivered a typical Eurovision performance, no more, no less, and it was not bad at all.

Then there was a turn for another typical Eurovision + typical Greece all-male performance. All men were hot, except for singer. He did sing OK, though. It was Hoppa, or Oppa :)))

I even managed spotting someone who would we normally call “qyartu” in Armenian. Watch out for that guy in black glasses during Macedonia’s entry.

When Iceland took the stage, all tweets were about associations with volcanic eruption and whether Europe “will forgive Iceland”:
@bbceurovision: And finally tonight, another one of the favourites, Hera Bjork from Iceland. Will Europe forgive the volcano?
Icelandic representative was pretty good, and as they passed through to the final, I may safely assume that Europe did indeed forgive for the volcanic ash chaos, well, at least for the occasion.

Before the results of voting were announces, I indicated my faves from the 1st semi: Belgium, Greece, Albania, Iceland, Moldova. I could not decide re Serbia (too distracted by his haircut).

I was pleased that all my faves are through to the final.

Oh, and did I already mention this?! Belgium singer + Greece dancers = hot Eurovision.

And now, to make sure you’ll keep up the sexy mood till Thursday’s 2nd semi, watch this brief preview of Kylie Minogue’s All The Lovers video. Can’t wait to see the full version. Looks sexy ;)


  1. didn't know where else to put this, but speaking of safura interviews, here's a doozy.

    First off, the English translation is fantastic...It's like he literally has to translate the thoughts of a 17 year old provincial chick to something that could be remotely acceptable to those Euro-types. Second, I like how when they ask her to talk about Azerbaijan she immediately launches into an ode to what I can only assume is "elitar" construction of cafes, clubs and hotels in Baku. Ethnically incompatible my ass....

  2. Thanks for the link. To be honest, I am not surprised re mentioning of cafes etc. Sounds familiar. If you ask Armenians to describe, say, what modern Armenia looks like, they will also frequently mention appearance of cafes, clubs etc as a "sign of development and Europeanisation".

    But English translation was fantastic, I agree :)

  3. yes that's what I meant by the "ethnically incompatible" comment, we're one and the same really. menq mer vra zarmacats enq....
