
Monday 17 May 2010

Breaking news: Gay marriages are now legal in Portugal!!

Fantastic news from Portugal, right for the occasion, on the day when the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia is being celebrated worldwide.

Portugal's president ratifies gay marriage law

(AP) – 59 minutes ago

LISBON, Portugal — Portugal's conservative president says he has decided to ratify a law allowing gay marriage in the predominantly Catholic country.

The head of state's decision to permit the enactment of a bill passed by Parliament in January makes Portugal the sixth European country allowing same-sex couples to wed.

President Anibal Cavaco Silva announced his decision Monday.

The Socialist government's bill was backed by all of Portugal's left-of-center parties, who together have a majority in Parliament. Right-of-center parties opposed the measure and demanded a national referendum.

Portugal's Constitutional Court validated the bill's legality last month.

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