
Thursday 24 December 2009

Europe's gay rights group ILGA-Europe condemns police raid of member organisation in Georgia, demands immediate release of its board member Paata Sabelashvili (statement and pictures)

For more pictures - ILGA-Europe's Photos - Office of Inclusive Foundation (Georgia) after the police raid

*Statement by ILGA-Europe

On 15 December 2009, the police raided an office of the Inclusive Foundation, ILGA-Europe’s member organisation in Georgia, and arrested Paata Sabelashvili, leader of the Inclusive Foundation and a member of ILGA-Europe’s Executive Board.

ILGA-Europe is shocked by the conduct of the Georgian police, which had clearly homophobic motives. ILGA-Europe demands the immediate release of Paata Sabelashvili.

Linda Freimane, Co-Chair of the Executive Board of ILGA-Europe, said:

“We are very troubled by this news. The information we have received from Georgia indicates that the police acted disproportionately and completely ignored basic rule of law. Moreover, we are extremely concerned about the safety of Paata Sabelashvili, who is not allowed any contact with the outside world.”

Martin K.I. Christensen, Co-Chair of the Executive Board of ILGA-Europe, added:

“ILGA-Europe is in very close contact with our member organisation in Georgia and monitors the situation. We are compiling the facts and details so we can bring this shocking situation to the attention of various European institutions and eventually ensure that Georgian authorities behave in accordance with the rule or law and agreed international human rights standards. We will be releasing any further information as soon as we have more details”.


  1. Great news: Head of Georgian LGBT group Inclusive Foundation Paata Sabelashvilli has been released today, without any further charges, as per ILGA-Europe.


    26 December 2009

    For immediate release

    Paata Sabelashvili is free, Georgian police still keeps under surveillance the Inclusive Foundation office and its staff

    Paata Sabelashvili, board member of ILGA-Europe’s Executive Board and a leader of the Inclusive Foundation in Georgia, has been released and is now recovering after nearly two weeks detention.

    Nevertheless ILGA-Europe is concerned with the continuous surveillance of the Inclusive Foundation office by Georgian police, including tapping the telephone conversations of the Inclusive Foundations staff.

    Linda Freimane, Co-Chair of ILGA-Europe’s Executive Board said:
    “We are relieved and happy Paata is free and well. We want to thank all organisations and individuals across the world who supported Paata and campaigned for his release.”

    Martin K.I. Christensen, Co-Chairs of ILGA-Europe’s Executive Boards, said:
    “There are a few questions still to be answered by the Georgian authorities. We are concerned that the raid on the office of the Inclusive Foundation which took place on 15 December 2009 was disproportionate and humiliating. We are very concerned with the way the police forces treated the staff of the Inclusive Foundation and with the damage they cause to the office. The other worry is that Georgian police still monitors the office and that other leaders of the Inclusive Foundation, Tinatin Japaridze and Eka Agdgomelashvili, continue to be under police surveillance. We call on the Georgian authorities to immediately end intimidation and any surveillance of the Inclusive Foundation office and its staff.”
