
Saturday 7 November 2009

Poster in Yerevan State College of Informatics (Armenia) put disabled children and homosexuality among causes of 'biological catastrophe'

And this college is supposedly considered a 'centre of excellence'?!... If this is what people 'study' at State colleges and 'centres of excellence', no wonder that the level of education in Armenia is on a steady decline.

Not only this poster reflects total lack of knowledge and bigotry by its creators and those who endorse it, but this is a clear indication of one of the main sources of hate in our society.

College administration either should take this poster down immediately, or share the responsibility with the creators of this 'educational material'.

*Thanks to Transgenders in Armenia for taking the photo. There are more reflections on this by Queering Yerevan and Dorian.


  1. wow, that really is repulsive!
    thanks for posting, I didn't know there were still people in this world calling themselves intellectuals, while believing in medieval stupidness....

