
Sunday 8 November 2009

Georgia: Postcard competition on promoting LGBT equality initiative group and Inclusive Foundation are pleased to announce competition on creation of postcards aiming at promoting equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons in Georgia.

About Competition:
The postcard competition will have three main topic categories:
1. Equality
2. Diversity
3. Homophobia

Possible themes within categories can be stigmatization, discrimination, violence, hate speech/hate crime, human rights, rights of women, rights of child, transgender issues, HIV/AIDS prevention issues, sexual and reproductive rights, environmental issues, disability, age and other issues in relation to LGBT issues.

Call is open to all private persons, organizations and companies in Georgia and does not necessarily require their previous involvement with LGBT issues.

Deadline: 24 November 2009.

For more info - visit Inclusive Foundation website.

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