
Monday 17 August 2009

Turkey: LGBT rights report, novel about transsexual, gay referee scandal, homophobic media, and gay pride in Istanbul

Over the last couple of months, some important developments happened in Turkey related to LGBT rights in the country. Below is a selection of links which reflect the main news:

1. Report: Human rights violations against LGBT people in Turkey 2008

2. Report warns: continuing homophobia in the media
In a published report entitled "End Homophobia in the Media", the Kaos GL association criticised the continued use of stereotypes and display of homophobia.
3. Istanbul: 3,000 People in LGBTT Pride March
The 17th LGBTT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transvestite and transsexual) Pride Week ended with a Pride March in Taksim, central Istanbul, on Sunday (28 June).
Read also Elizabeth's personal reflections: Istanbul Pride (+ photo, above)

4. Gay referee scandal:

The Independent: Gay referee gets red card in Turkey
(+ photo, via AFP/Getty Images)
After coming out on TV, Halil Dincdag sues football federation over sacking.
EurasiaNet: Football referee, barred for being homosexual, fights for rights

5. Novel about Transsexual Banned for Under-18s
A Prime Ministerial board has banned advertisement for the novel "Third Class Woman" by Anıl Alacaoğlu.

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