
Monday 13 July 2009

‘Kill the faggots’ - new online game for children (!!) in Georgia

Gay Caucasus reports on extremely disturbing, utterly homophobic and hateful game which appeared on Georgian online game site, popular among children and teenagers. ‘Kill the faggots’ game involves a hunter shooting naked men who jump out of bushes. If hunter is unsuccessful, the men rape the hunter.

This is totally disgusting. The website has to be shut down unless they take this game out of their server. This is even more unacceptable considering that the site aims mainly at children and teenagers. Children as young as six are familiar with the site and regularly play online games there. In fact, the author of Gay Caucasus found out about the game via children of close people. I wonder, where are the voices of those religious-minded people in Tbilisi, Georgia, who swear in the name of Georgian patriarch and constantly cite Bible to ‘justify’ their homophobia and hatred. Is this their (un-)‘orthodox’ way of bringing up children by creating an image of enemy (=gays) and teaching how to deal with it (=kill them)?
Теперь хочется задать вопрос как хозяевам этого игрового сайта, так и всем, кому «надоели» разговоры о гомофобию и геи, пытающиеся защитить свои права. Господа, что может значить такая игра на детском игровом сервере? Чему мы учим своих детей – что гомосексуалы враги и их нужно убивать? Понятно, что для взрослых гомофодов такая игра может быть вполне забавной, но когда ее размещают на детском сервере, чему мы учим тем самым детей? «Убивать пидоров»? Есть во всем этом какая-либо логика или рационализм? Что может сотворить этот ребенок, когда повзрослеет, если все свое детство будет играть в эту игру, «убивая пидоров», бегающих за охотником с одной целью, чтобы его изнасиловть...

*picture - via Gay Caucasus blog


  1. I think this is a wrong approach - site should be down? what for?

    actually, this game is done by some french guy, so let's go to france and get him down?


    delete the game from site - this would be right approach.

  2. I believe the site has responsibility for the content regardless of who is the author of that game. Agree with you, the right approach would be to delete that game. That’s exactly what I pointed out in my post: “The website has to be shut down unless they take this game out of their server.” Otherwise, they should be down for inciting hatred, especially among children, which makes the situation even more outrageous.

  3. Hi,
    I'm a journalist at i found your post via Global voices. I'm trying to see where that game comes from. It seems to be french, and quite old (2002). Can you contact me to discuss that?

  4. Hi Julien,
    How may I contact you? Could you email me? Thanks.

  5. I don't see anything that titles the game, "Kill the faggots". If I've missed it, let me know. Otherwise, it appears that the "title" was made up by someone who just wanted to fan the flames. (Pun intended.)

  6. That title (in Russian) was suggested by a Georgian blogger who first alerted on the case. I believe that's how it is referred to in Georgia and it perfectly reflects the essence of that game.

  7. I am sorry for my English, but i try to say as I can. Many thanks for artmika to make a news in English about my post. and many thanks to Julien Pain. I found this game on internet game site, which i know from little children, babys of my friends, and I use that site my free time for relax...
    that is fact... and fact is also that game site is not adult... and name of this game in Georgian language is "Kill faggots"...

    Спасибо еще раз Артмика :) И извиняюсь за свой корявый английский

  8. Yes, I agree, it would be better if these kind of game will not spread the internet, delete the game. Numerous Download Games are paramount in different sites. So why let the children have the game who is in the first place making showing the children inappropriate acts.
