
Wednesday 24 June 2009

Armenia delegate at Council of Europe Zaruhi Postanjyan signs PACE declaration on Lithuanian discriminatory anti-gay law

Great to know that Armenian MP from parliamentary opposition Heritage party Zaruhi Postanjyan has principled position not only re Armenia related human rights issues in general which I always commended, but inclusive of gay rights too. My respects to Zaruhi.

She is the only delegate from a Council of Europe ex-Soviet country (if we not count one Latvian representative) to sign this PACE declaration about the Lithuanian discriminatory anti-gay law.

Doc. 11969
23 June 2009

Lithuanian Law on the protection of minors restricts publication of information on homosexual and bisexual relations

Written Declaration No 428

This written declaration commits only the members who have signed it

We, the undersigned members of the Assembly,

Note with concern the adoption by the Lithuanian Parliament of a law which:

- deems public information “agitating” for homosexual and bisexual relations detrimental to the “mental health, physical, intellectual or moral development of minors”;
- prohibits the publication of such information except in places or at times when such information would be inaccessible to minors,

Are shocked that such information has been classified with the promotion of drugs or suicide, and the portrayal of killings, mutilation or torture;

Believe that this legislation will serve only to perpetuate discrimination and intolerance and deny young lesbian, gay and bisexual persons access to information which they need in order to live in accordance with their sexual orientation;

Emphasise that these provisions violate both the European Convention on Human Rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child,

Call upon:
- the President of Lithuania to refer the law back to the Parliament for revision in the light of Lithuania’s international human rights obligations;
- the Parliament of Lithuania to eliminate all discriminatory references to homosexual and bisexual relationships in this law.

• HÄGG Carina, Sweden, SOC
• JENSEN Mogens, Denmark, SOC
• BOSWELL Tim, United Kingdom, EDG
• CIRCENE Ingrida, Latvia, EPP/CD
• ČURDOVÁ Anna, Czech Republic, SOC
• ELZINGA Tuur, Netherlands, UEL
• ELZINGA Tuur, Netherlands, UEL
• FRAHM Pernille, Denmark, UEL
• GALE Anita, United Kingdom, SOC
• GARDETTO Jean-Charles, Monaco, EPP/CD
• HANCOCK Michael, United Kingdom, ALDE
• HUSS Jean, Luxembourg, SOC
• IVANJI Željko, Serbia, EPP/CD
• JENSEN Michael Aastrup, Denmark, ALDE
• JOHN-CALAME Francine, Switzerland, SOC
• JONKER Corien W.A., Netherlands, EPP/CD
• KELEMEN Attila Bela Ladislau, Romania, EPP/CD
• LAMBERT Geert, Belgium, SOC
• LEMPENS Paul, Netherlands, UEL
• MAURY PASQUIER Liliane, Switzerland, SOC
• MONFILS Philippe, Belgium, ALDE
• MÓSESDÓTTIR Lilja, Iceland, UEL
• OHLSSON Carina, Sweden, SOC
• POSTANJYAN Zaruhi, Armenia, EPP/CD
• RACHOŃ Janusz, Poland, EPP/CD
• ROSOVÁ Tatiana, Slovak Republic, EPP/CD
• STOLFI Fiorenzo, Saint-Marin, SOC
• STUMP Doris, Switzerland, SOC
• von SYDOW Björn, Sweden, SOC
• De VRIES Klaas, Netherlands, SOC
• WILLE Paul, Belgium, ALDE

Total = 32

EPP/CD: Group of the European People’s Party
SOC: Socialist Group
EDG: European Democratic Group
ALDE: Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
UEL: Group of the Unified European Left
NR: not registered in a group

*Thanks to B.F. for the info.
**photo - by RFE/RL


  1. Reports indicate that Lithuanian president has now vetoed this new homophobic law. Parliament, however, has the option of over-riding the presidential veto.

  2. one more person in Armenia...
    I could never imagine that Zaruhi Postanjyan is interested in such declarations, even more, that she can sign it. Bravo

  3. She proves - or so I hope - that for her the matters of human rights are all-inclusive. One more person PINK could potentially be engaged with while dealing with the cases of discrimination and equality in general. Would be great if you could meet her commending her stance and discussing any future collaborations.

  4. Lithuanian parliament adopts homophobic law despite presidential veto


    Today Lithuanian parliament, Seimas, adopted the Law on the Protection of Minors Against the Detrimental Effect of Public Information. The law bans any positive information about homosexuality and bisexuality. It equates homosexuality and bisexuality to other ‘detrimental effect on minors’ such as display of dead or cruelly mutilated body, information that causes fear or horror or encourages suicide.

    Rhetorical question: How EU are going to promote human rights elsewhere if they allow such a disturbing development for a member country?..
