
Saturday 22 November 2008

Under Scan (London, Trafalgar sq)

Under Scan is a "large scale video art installation featuring more than 1000 interactive portraits of people from London and the East Midlands." The work was created by Montreal-based Mexican artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer.

It transformed public space of Trafalgar sq "into a new site of exchange". On entering the flood lit area in front of the National Gallery, people are detected by special tracking system. Moving across the square they encounter interactive video portraits cast within their shadows. "The piece is intended as a public takeover of a city by its inhabitants and links surveillance technology with strategies of self-representation."

I unexpectedly walked in "Under Scan" in Trafalgar sq few days ago (on till 23 November). It was great fun and kind of surreal.

1 comment:

  1. BBC also posted today details on Art in your shadow. Although in a leaflet distributed at Trafalgar sq the end date of the installation is put as 23 November, BBC now says that "The installation will operate from dusk until midnight until 30 November."
