
Saturday 11 October 2008

Gay marriage: Good (Connecticut, US) and Bad (Portugal) news

Good news: Connecticut's Supreme Court has overturned a ban on same-sex marriages, making it the third US state to legalise such unions. Earlier, California legalises gay marriage. The only other state where it's legal is Massachusetts.
The court ruled that the law limiting marriage to heterosexual couples was unconstitutional as it discriminated on the basis of sexual orientation. Gay marriage was legalised in California earlier this year and in Massachusetts in 2003. Connecticut already permits same-sex civil unions.
Unfortunately, the fate of California's historic gay marriage ruling is under the threat now, facing re-ban by a put forward "Proposition 8" to be voted in November.

Bad news: Portuguese parliament says no to gay marriage. No surprise here considering pretty conservative mentality dominant there under the strong influence of the Catholic church. This is despite the announced "Portugal's process of modernization".


  1. Looks like you need a label for "Iowa" too now ;)

  2. Yeah! Always love starting the weekend with good news ;)

    This deserves a separate post:

    Another US state - Iowa, clears the way for gay marriage
