
Friday 19 September 2008

Brad Pitt - Man of The Day

Good actor, sexy man, great guy!!!

Brad Pitt donating $100,000 to fight gay marriage ban

Brad Pitt announced Wednesday that he's donating $100,000 to fight California's Proposition 8, a November ballot initiative that would eliminate same-sex couples' right to marry.

"Because no one has the right to deny another their life, even though they disagree with it, because everyone has the right to live the life they so desire if it doesn't harm another and because discrimination has no place in America, my vote will be for equality and against Proposition 8," the actor said in a statement.

Pitt's donation marks the largest thus far to the anti-Prop. 8 campaign by an A-list celebrity.

Political strategist Chad Griffin, who is helping coordinate efforts in the entertainment industry to defeat the controversial initiative, said he is hopeful that the move will prompt others to get involved. He added that Democratic billionaire Ron Burkle has agreed to host a large fundraiser at his home in October to rally the entertainment industry against Prop. 8, which opponents say will take away important benefits such as health insurance and will complicate decision-making related to medical emergencies and other situations in domestic partnerships.

In recent weeks, tens of thousands of dollars -- much of it from outside California -- has been donated to groups on both sides of the issue.

The measure was placed on the ballot after the California Supreme Court invalidated the state's prohibition on same-sex marriage in May.

(LA Times)

Back in 2006, Brad Pitt has revealed that he and Angelina Jolie won’t even consider getting married until gay marriage is legalised in the US.

Brad told Esquire magazine: “Angie and I will consider tying the knot when everyone else in the country who wants to be married is legally able.”

*source of photo: Warren Toda/EPA (via LA Times)


  1. Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw joined the campaign and matched the donation made by Brad Pitt. Well done, guys! However, backers of California same-sex marriage ban are so far out-fundraising opponents by nearly a third, and so San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom is heading to New York on Thursday to host a fundraising event with New York State Gov. David Paterson.

  2. I've been looking through a book that has quotations from early Americans. What I'm particularly struck by is how the common phrase "life, liberty, and property" was beautifully changed by Jefferson to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." It seems to me that same-sex marriage is about as pure a "pursuit of happiness without infringing on anyone else's happiness" manifestation as there is. So in truth, it should be constitutionally protected in the U.S.

  3. Ani, I wish you are adviser for the US administration, and not only. World would have been a much better place to live. Thanks for so perfectly stating the point. Pursuit of happiness... That's the word.

  4. California's First Lady backs gay marriage

    Maria Shriver, the wife of Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger, has publicly expressed her support for same-sex marriage in the state.

    A ballot measure on election day, November 4th, seeks to ban gay and lesbians from getting married.

    Proposition 8 has the support of church groups in California and many Republican politicians.

    "I believe in people's right to choose a partner that they love, and that's a decision that I have come to, and I have felt that way for a long time," said Ms Shriver, a niece of former President John F Kennedy.

    Her husband has also publicly opposed Proposition 8.


    Also - Apple joins fight against "Proposition 8" and makes donation to keep same-sex marriage legal in California
