
Tuesday 29 July 2008

ILGA-Europe: “Destination>>EQUALITY” magazine

First issue of “Destination>>EQUALITY” magazine produced by Europe's leading LGBT rights organisation - ILGA-Europe, is out now. This first edition is focused on transgender people’s rights - "TransEurope".

Patricia Prendiville, Executive Director of ILGA-Europe, said:

“I hope our members and supporters will welcome yet another development towards enhancing our communications work. We believe a new title clearly identifies both the organisational dynamic and marks the ultimate destination where we want to be. We also believe the thematic approach, which has already proven to be popular with our readers, will continue providing added value for all who are interested and passionate about equality issues.

We are proud that the first edition of our magazine focuses on transgender people’s rights. This edition provides a variety of articles covering many aspects of trans people’s lives and rights: from stories of humiliation, intrusion and abuse to stories of hope and inspiration.”

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