
Tuesday 20 May 2008

Eurovision: In final, but ...

Well, Armenia with Sirusho is through to final, but... Sirusho's performance today was definitely better than last night's rehearsal. Three-male dance show was much much better and looked quite OK. But what I always considered her strongest part, vocally it was rather disappointing. I know she can do much better (I heard it!), I do not know what happened to her voice over the last few days. Let's hope that for final on Saturday it will get improved. She desperately needs it if there is any chance to finish in top ten. And someone from our team in Belgrade, please do something with her hair: she has beautiful hair but they are not properly set for her performance and rather interfering badly with it.

Anyway, unless miracle happens till Saturday, I guess it is (unfortunately!) safe to say that we won't see Eurovision 2009 in Yerevan.


  1. Mika, are you sure she was singing live when you saw her? There has been a lot of comment on the fact that she mimed for many performances until recently.

    This is an unfortunate aspect of many performances here in Armenia and it really needs to change not only because the audience deserves it, but also because they obviously need practice.

    The Daily Telegraph blog described Sirusho as "shouting" at tonight's semi-final. Anyway, the BBC says a Europe-wide poll puts her as likely to finish 7th in the final with Sweden as the favorite. So yeah, Yerevan is out unless a miracle happens.

  2. She was singing right in front of me, I mean naturally in front of me, there was almost no distance between us, it could not be miming but hey, now I started doubting everything... That's a reason that I got very disappointed with her performance today.

    And yes, that's an unfortunate fact that most Armenian pop singers still mime on the stage, and I completely agree, it is a disrespect to the audience and has to stop. Otherwise, when time comes when they have to do live performances they fail...

  3. Just to keep optimistic note alive, here is opinion of Sirusho's performance from one of the most popular Eurovision related websites:

    Sirusho begins with a high note and the entire venue is with her. She moves to the front without moving it is so exciting. Armenian entry is getting high now. The vocal performance is by far better now. The flupper outfit is amazing on cam. The song is getting us high and everyone here dances. Yerevan 2009 is not impossible guys. The camera lost for a moment but things got back. Sirusho proves how dynamic she can dance. You wanna can be with me, is some of the lyrics. Qele Qele Armenians tonight!

  4. Well, it has to be said that it seems that blogger appears to be on happy pills. With the exception of Finland, all of the entries got good write-ups -- even Ireland which was apparently booed and is disliked by almost everyone else.

    Anyway, I don't think Yerevan 2009 is remotely possible unless that miracle appears from out of nowhere. Even so, I don't think Sirusho is going to do too bad either. If she does come in 7th or higher, that's not bad.

    Besides, regardless of the vocals, people like the song and her looks so it's still good press for Armenia. But I don't think it will be more than that and I really think it is about time that people here start taking the issue of singing live seriously.

    On the other hand, one criticism of many of Armenia's top pop stars is that they simply can't. Well, let's hope that's not the case with Sirusho and something happens to make her performance better in the final.

  5. Onnik, I really needed that "happy pills" after watching Eurovision semifinal, therefore decided to cite Oikotimes opinion above - After all, I have Eurovision party to go this Saturday ;)

  6. I was so pissed off with her hair and moves - who on earth did that to our pretty girl? Why did they mess her hair so much? Who said she should kick and jump like Shakira?

    I think all this stupid dancing affected her voice - having spent so much energy on dancing she couldn't concentrate on her vocals - which was really disappointing! :(

  7. You know, the question then needs to be asked, how on earth did they come up with choreography if she couldn't handle it? Anyway, not so bad and she'll definitely be in the top ten. Not convinced of a win, though.

  8. Hmmm, I just noticed. Her voice isn’t good even before she starts dancing and I see no sign of her expending much energy before the vocals go really noticeably wrong so I think we’re trying to make excuses. Instead, as I've said, I just think she’s not used to singing live — a problem affecting most Armenian pop stars who tend to always lip-synch instead.

    Of course, some might also add certain family and political links as well, but I'll steer clear of going further on that. Hopefully she'll dazzle us with her voice on Saturday and we can publicly apologize for our doubts.
